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Hypnosis Training Video #458: How to be the C.E.O. of Y-O-U for BIG Client Success! — Cascade Hypnosis Training

Written by Erika Flint | Nov 22, 2016 8:00:00 AM

Professional Hypnotherapy Success is all about getting great results for our clients. And how are these results measured? Make sure you have a clear action plan for your clients, or they may not realize their own success. 

Clients Come with Presenting Issues -  Not Always End Results

It's common for clients to come to hypnotherapy with a plan for being rid of a negative state or emotion - and without an end-goal in mind. 

In this case, the first step is to help clients imagine a positive end-state to achieve a desired outcome. 

For example, a client may come with a presenting issue of "I don't want to be so anxious", and a professional hypnotist will understand that "not being anxious" is too vague for the subconscious mind to create a valid outcome. 

Imagine it now in your own mind - what is "not being anxious" like for you? 

  • What are you doing? 
  • How are you BE-ing? 

For me, "not being anxious" is peaceful and calm. It's quiet. It's soothing. More specifically, not being anxious would be peacefully sitting in nature enjoying the scenery, and it can also be enjoying a book in front of a warm fire. 

Helping clients to imagine what "not being anxious" is like for them, will help the subconscious mind begin to generate potential outcomes and experiences that can be useful in the hypnosis session. 

Don't assume "not being anxious" merely means being peaceful - it is important to have your client describe to you exactly what it means to them. 

You can do this by asking, "if you weren't so anxious, how would you feel?" and help them imagine a desired outcome. 

From a Wanted Hypnotic State to Actionable Goals

Now that you have a wanted state for your client, you are able to help them enter into a hypnotic state using an instant or rapid induction. 

From there, deepen your client. 

Next, you'll likely do some deep, insight work with them like Age Regression, Forgiveness Therapy, or Parts Mediation Work. 

And then you'll incorporate the wanted state using Future Progression, where you'll have your client imagine actually experiencing being in their body in a future state having already achieved their result. 

From this wanted state, as imagined in an appropriately deep state of hypnosis called somnambulism, it's time to help your client imagine their Executive Action Plan! 

  • Ask them what is it they need to do to get to this state from where they are in their life now? 
  • Ask what is the quickest route from their current state, to this desired state?
  • What are the steps? What are the obstacles?
  • What can be prioritized?
  • What is the next smallest step? 

Using this style of questioning while your client is in a deep somnambulistic state will allow your client's subconscious mind to make connections and references that have up to this point been largely overlooked! This is a huge asset to you and your client. By asking the right questions, in the right desired state, you can help your client make months and maybe even years or decades of progress in a few minutes. 

This is the power of high-level, professional hypnosis and the power of the subconscious mind! 

For details on executing this technique, continue below.