Experience this very powerful hypnosis session where you will be guided by board certified and professional hypnotherapist Erika Flint and your subconscious mind.
What is the cost of making no changes? Doing nothing?
You DO have the courage to sit with your uncomfortable feelings for a brief moment in order to notice their secret, and you will get relief and movement on that issue guaranteed.
The music is calm and dreamy. It helps you relax and creates a peaceful atmosphere for introspection.
You can use it as a tool to aid in your process of sitting with your uncomfortable feelings and as inspiration where appropriate.
This is the deep work, done quickly. When you know there are old patterns, old programming yet want the inspiration to continue to shine your light - this is the recording for you.
Allow your heart and mind to connect on this very soul-searching hypnosis recording, where you find the truth inside of you. Realizing, in this moment, that you ARE THE LIGHTHOUSE, with all the healing and wisdom you've accumulated over a lifetime of perceived suffering,
You are rising above, you are noticing the truth, and you are sensing it inside. Allow your entire being to be ignited by the truth revealed in the energy and words in this recording.
This powerful 20-minute hypnosis mp3 recording will help you relax and let go of old programming. Release energies of sorrow, frustration and anger. This recording invites you to recognize your true power and the wisdom and strength overcoming your adversities. Noticing this power and activating it in your life NOW. Now is the time.
Your audio recording was developed and voiced by Erika Flint, BA, BCH, A+CPHI, OB, author of Reprogram Your Weight, Lighter, and Can You Be a Hypnotist?