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Insider Look at Doing GREAT Hypnotic Age Regression Work: The Informed Child Technique! — Cascade Hypnosis Training

Written by Erika Flint | Nov 10, 2021 6:02:30 PM

Erika Flint, BA, BCH, A+CPHI, OB

Cal Banyan, MA, BCH, CI, DNGH, OB, MCPHI

Insider Look at Doing GREAT Hypnotic Age Regression Work: The Informed Child Technique!

The Informed Child Technique

The Informed Child Technique (ICT) is part of the Age Regression process, and is initiated with the following question:

What do you know now, that you wish you would have known back then?

This insight-based techinque helps to eliminate erroneous beliefs and emotions, and validates the rest. In both cases our clients get relief.

With any profession, there are techniques and skill required in order to be a master of the craft. The Informed Child Technique is one of those skills that when used well, provides tremendous relief for our clients.

The Informed Child Technique (ICT) is a systematic insight uncovering process used within Age Regression for professional hypnotists.

Insight is the basis of great hypnosis work - it’s the “aha” moment for our clients where everything comes together and the client gains insight on their previous issue that helps them find relief, and a resolution.

The reason insight works so well is that it comes from within our clients. It’s a truth our clients discover that is inherent to the situation that brings them relief and resolution.

How to Initiate the Informed Child Technique

Insight is the basis of great hypnosis work - it’s the “aha” moment for our clients where everything comes together and the client gains insight on their previous issue that helps them find relief, and a resolution.
— Erika Flint on the value of the informed Child Technique

**Note: This is an advanced technique, and should only ever be practiced by a professionally trained hypnotist.**

Step 1: Obtain a deep level of Hypnosis

The first step is to obtain a very deep level of hypnosis, at least a level 4 on the Harry Arron’s scale of Hypnosis, also known as The Threshold of Somnambulism.

Step 2: Use Age Regression (AR) to regress your client

Second, use Age Regression to regress your client to a pivotal situation in their life. This article is not on the particular methods of AR. Here’s a few AR specific articles to review:

Step 3: Build the Model of the Mind (MOM)

After regressing your client to the point in time necessary to do the work, the next step is to build the model of the mind.

The model of the mind is a technique to determine what was your client feeling, and thinking at that time. Those are the thoughts and feelings we need to work through with our clients in order to get them results they came in to see us for.

Step 4: Uncover the Initial Sensitizing Event (ISE)

The Initial Sensitizing Event (ISE) is the first time in our client’s life that they experienced the thoughts and feelings associated with their issue.

Step 5: Use the Informed Child Technique to Gain Insight

After finding and testing the ISE to ensure it’s actually the ISE, then it’s time to move to the Informed Child Technique (ICT) process.

The basic concept with the ICT is to ask our client, “What do you know now, that you wish you would have known back then?”

This will create a combination of the following:

  • Remove Erroneous thoughts and feelings. Thoughts such as “I’m not good enough” and feelings of unworthiness or fear are often removed.

  • Validate everything else. Experiences such as yes that’s not fair that you were treated that way are often validated. The unfair element often creates natural anger, which is addressed in a different phase of the 5-PATH process, Phase III: Forgiveness of Others.

For every thought and feeling our client experienced at that time, it’s either Erroneous (and will dissipate automatically when it’s revealed it’s untrue), or Valid and the truth is reinforced.

Either way our client wins.

Learn the details of this technique by watching the video below.

Watch The Video Below To Get an “Insider Look at Doing GREAT Hypnotic Age Regression Work: The Informed Child Technique!”


The Meta-Message Of This Episode:

The underlying message of this episode is that the Informed Child Technique (ICT) is very powerful and often reveals insight that brings our clients tremendous relief. Learn to use it skillfully for excellent, and consistent results with your clients.

From my heart to yours,

Erika Flint