Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis Resources

How to Make the Most of the NGH Convention — Cascade Hypnosis Training

Written by Cascade Hypnosis | Nov 10, 2021 6:02:30 PM

The NGH convention is next month and I wanted to give you all an inside scoop into this awesome annual event. It's full of enlightening seminars, amazing hypnotists, and is SO MUCH FUN!

What is the NGH?

The NGH is the National Guild of Hypnotists which is the largest and oldest organization for hypnotists and the ethical practice of hypnosis. It was established in 1950 and supports over 20,000 members in over 93 countries. And once a year they hold the annual NGH Convention!


At the NGH Convention

The convention is three days of spectacularly informative seminars, awards dinners, board certification, and an opportunity to meet other incredible hypnotists. Friday includes a key note speech from the president of the NGH, Dr. Dwight Damian, and in the evening there's a big dinner and awards for 5-PATH hypnotists. Saturday includes a stage hypnotism show, and an even bigger awards dinner and party to celebrate individuals that have displayed excellence in the field of hypnosis and hypnotherapy.


Seminars run all day long on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. There are SO many great speakers and include topics such as advanced hypnosis techniques for specific issues or groups of people, business building advice from marketing to expanding your practice, and even cutting edge technology such as using Virtual Reality with hypnosis.


I've gotten many opportunities to host seminars, and this year I will be giving two seminars on "Embodied Hypnosis" and "Lasting and Soulful Weight Loss with Hypnosis." I love sharing the ways in which hypnosis has been successful for my clients, and how we can always keep learning and growing with new techniques to create effective results and be able to help even more people. 


How do you make the most of the convention?

 With the proper preparation you can get a ton of value from the three days of hypnosis excellence.


Make a Plan

The seminar list is released in advanced, so take the time to look through them and register for the ones that look really interesting to you! If you can't make it to a specific seminar, the audio MP3 is always available to purchase after the convention. Each seminar is an opportunity to expand your practice and expertise. Also, take notes on which presentations you like the most so that you can plan for becoming a presenter yourself the next year!


It's a very full weekend, so be sure to plan for breaks for yourself. Remember to use your own hypnosis tools to help you stay energized and grounded while absorbing information and new acquaintances all weekend long. Dress comfortably and bring some business cards to be able to share with other professionals.


Prepare for Growth

The NGH convention is also a great opportunity to expand your credentials. There are classes on the Board Certification process, which I highly recommend. You can read my guide for board certification here.


Take notes on what inspires you. You'll see people win awards, like the Order of the BRAID award, and hypnosis instructor of the year. You meet all sorts of people that are using hypnosis in tons of amazing ways. You may see or hear about an especially cool seminar that you feel fits right in with your practice and professional goals. Find what inspires you and what you want to work towards over the next year.

Have FUN!!!

The most important advice I have is to have fun!!! The convention has many educational opportunities, but it's also full of gatherings, dinners, dancing, and community. There's even a stage hypnosis show that is very memorable — attendees always have a blast.

It’s also a great networking opportunity, so don’t be shy and introduce yourself to lots of people. If you see me walking around, come introduce yourself and I’ll have something special to give you. You will have TONS of awesome conversations and interactions all weekend long.

The NGH Convention is a very full weekend that will leave you feeling rewarded and inspired. I encourage every one of my graduates to attend. I can't wait to meet you and see you there!