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Be the Boss of Your Brain with Hypnosis - Living Hypnotically Episode 18

Written by Erika Flint, BCH, OB | Jun 14, 2024 6:29:20 PM

Be the Boss of Your Brain - Exploring the Power of Hypnosis with Jennifer Ibbotson Rodriguez

Welcome to episode #18 of "Living Hypnotically," where we delve into the transformative power of hypnosis.


I'm Erika Flint, and today I'm thrilled to share my recent conversation with Jennifer Ibbotson Rodriguez, a fellow professional hypnotist and grad of our hypnosis training program, dedicated to helping people master their mindset and become the boss of their brains.

Our discussion was filled with insights, touching stories, and practical techniques that can significantly impact your life.



Highlights from My Interview with Jennifer

Empowering Through Hypnosis: Jennifer shared a heartwarming story about a 52-year-old client who, despite having a balanced life, felt unfulfilled. Through their sessions, they first focused on improving her sleep. Jennifer emphasizes the importance of "sleeping soundly and waking refreshed," which set the foundation for further progress.

Addressing Sleep and Stress: Jennifer and I both agree that sleep and stress are crucial areas to address in any hypnosis work. Without proper sleep, even the best efforts in other areas can be limited. We highlighted the importance of understanding different types of tiredness—physical, mental, and spiritual—in providing comprehensive care.

Reconnecting with Unconditional Love: A profound moment in Jennifer's work with her client involved reconnecting with the memory of her father, who had passed away. This connection brought a sense of unconditional love back into her life, which had been missing. Such moments demonstrate the depth and impact of hypnosis in healing and personal growth.

Future-Focused Hypnosis: Jennifer introduced her future-focused hypnosis approach, where clients connect with their future selves to gain insights and guidance. This method aligns with quantum physics principles, suggesting that focusing on the future can be as effective as exploring the past. This approach empowers clients to create a better tomorrow, starting from today.


The Hand on the Heart Technique

One of the standout moments in our interview was Jennifer's "Hand on the Heart" technique, a simple yet powerful tool to reduce anxiety and foster self-love. 

It's something I've been using with clients, and it's just an excellent, purpose filled technique that brings a lot of relief.

Here's how you can practice it:

  1. Place Your Right Hand on Your Heart: Find where you believe your heart space is and place your hand there with gentle pressure, like giving yourself a hug. Science tells us this releases the same amount of oxytocin (the cuddle hormone) as if someone is giving you a hug! 
  2. Butterfly Hug: Now, add your other hand and create a butterfly hug with your thumbs, creating a fluttering motion. This bilateral stimulation, combined with the oxytocin release from hand on the heart , can significantly reduce anxiety and promote feelings of love and safety.
  3. Mirror Work: Take this practice a step further by doing it in front of a mirror. Look into your eyes and say affirming phrases like "I love you," "I'm proud of you," and "Thank you for everything you do for me." This exercise strengthens your bond with your future self and builds self-compassion.

Final Thoughts

My conversation with Jennifer is a testament to the power of hypnosis in transforming lives. Whether it's improving sleep, reducing stress, or reconnecting with lost parts of ourselves, hypnosis offers profound benefits, and Jennifer is proof that hypnosis works, and the power of our hypnosis training program! 

Jennifer's future-focused approach and the Hand on the Heart technique are practical tools you can start using today to empower yourself and create a brighter future.

To dive deeper into our conversation and witness these insights firsthand, watch the full interview embedded on this page. Hypnosis is more than just a tool for relaxation; it's a pathway to becoming your best self.


For more information and resources on hypnosis, visit CascadeHypnosisTraining.com/guide and check out our Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Professional Hypnotist in 2024. 


Jen the Mindset Magician can be reached at: https://hypnosishaven.com/

and on LinkedIN at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jennifer-ibbotson-rodriguez/