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Fix Your Sex Life with Hypnosis - Living Hypnotically Episode 16 with Dr. Jane Guyn

Written by Erika Flint, BCH, OB | Apr 8, 2024 10:05:45 PM

In the latest episode of "Living Hypnotically," we had the distinct pleasure of hosting Dr. Jane Guyn, a renowned relationship coach and board-certified sexologist, who has transformed the lives of hundreds of couples worldwide. With a PhD in human sexuality and now a certified hypnotist, Dr. Guyn brings a wealth of knowledge and an innovative approach to addressing intimacy issues with the help of hypnosis.


A Deep Dive into the Impact of Hypnosis

Dr. Guyn's transition into the world of hypnosis was fueled by her desire to deepen her impact on clients grappling with sexual and intimacy concerns. Through her hypnotic practice, she has witnessed profound, sometimes instantaneous, shifts in individuals dealing with feelings of unworthiness—a common thread affecting many aspects of life, including sexual relationships.

Her journey into hypnosis, guided by the expert training of Erika Flint, allowed her to embrace a powerful modality that complements her extensive work in sex and intimacy coaching. This newfound approach has not only enhanced her ability to facilitate deeper emotional connections among couples but has also contributed to her personal growth, shedding light on the transformative power of hypnosis for both practitioner and client.

The Role of Hypnosis in Sexual Healing

Dr. Guyn highlights how hypnosis has been instrumental in addressing complex issues like erectile dysfunction and sexual aversion, conditions often rooted in deep-seated emotional blockages rather than physical ailments. By tapping into the subconscious, hypnosis provides a path to unravel and heal the underlying causes of such conditions, fostering a renewed sense of self-worth and enabling individuals to reconnect with their partners on a deeper level.

Moreover, Dr. Guyn's practice incorporates a structured hypnotic approach that supports clients through their healing journey, ensuring that insights gained in sessions translate into lasting change. This method underscores the importance of continued growth and integration post-hypnosis, emphasizing the practitioner's role in guiding clients to embody their transformations fully.

The Intimacy of Hypnotic Practice

One of the most poignant aspects of Dr. Guyn's narrative is the intimate nature of hypnotic work. Hypnosis allows for a shared space of vulnerability and trust, where clients are guided to reconnect with their inner selves, shedding light on past hurts and rediscovering their capacity for self-love. This process is not only healing for the client but also enriches the practitioner, creating a mutual exchange of growth and understanding.

A Call to Exploration

For those intrigued by the potential of hypnosis to enhance intimacy and heal sexual dysfunctions, Dr. Guyn extends an invitation to explore this path. Her practice, centered on trust, respect, and a deep commitment to client well-being, offers a safe haven for individuals and couples to navigate the complexities of their sexual and emotional landscapes.

Dr. Guyn's journey is a testament to the expansive possibilities of hypnosis in the realm of sex and intimacy coaching. Through her skilled application of hypnotic techniques, she has opened a door to deeper healing, enhanced connection, and a fuller expression of love and sexuality.

Learn More and Connect

To discover more about Dr. Jane Guyn's transformative work in sex and intimacy coaching through hypnosis, visit howtofixmysexlife.com. Join her journey of healing and exploration, and take the first step towards a more fulfilling and intimate life.