Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis Resources

From Anxiety to Confidence with Hypnosis and Cyndal Wallace Living Hypnotically Episode 19

Written by Erika Flint, BCH, OB | Jun 17, 2024 8:54:06 PM

From Anxiety to Confidence with Hypnosis and Professional Hypnotist Cyndal Wallace

Welcome to episode #19 of "Living Hypnotically," where we delve into the transformative power of hypnosis.

I'm Erika Flint, your host and professional hypnotherapy instructor.

Today, we have Cyndal Wallace, a professional hypnotist and trainer who graduated from our program five years ago.

Our discussion was filled with insights, touching stories, and practical techniques that can significantly impact your life.


Highlights from My Interview with Cyndal

Cyndal's journey into hypnosis began with a lifelong dream of becoming an art therapist. However, a YouTube video about hypnosis and neuroplasticity sparked a new passion. After researching, she enrolled in our hypnosis school and quickly transitioned from training to seeing clients. Her success started with social media posts, Google ads, and referrals from satisfied clients.

Specializing in emotional eating, Cyndal works with weight loss clients for about six months, helping them lose 30 to 45 pounds without traditional dieting. Her approach is mindful, empowering, and sustainable. One notable client lost 100 pounds, continuing her success independently after initial sessions with Cyndal.

Key tools in Cyndal’s practice include emotional wisdom work and techniques like heart breathing and tapping to manage stress and anxiety. These methods help clients pause, reflect, and make better choices, ultimately building their confidence. This is REQUIRED for our clients who want to lose weight! They need new and updated coping strategies! 

Cyndal emphasizes that hypnosis addresses the subconscious mind and can be a first resort for various issues. She advises potential clients to seek certified hypnotists with solid training and experience, and to trust their intuition in choosing a practitioner.

For more information, you can find Cyndal at BloomingLotusHypnosis.com and on social media as The Hypnotic Teacher.

If you're interested in becoming a hypnotist, visit cascadehypnosistraining.com/guide for our Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Professional Hypnotist.

Thank you for joining us, and remember, you are more powerful than you realize! 

Connect with Cyndal Wallace at : BloomingLotusHypnosis. com