Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis Resources

How Broccoli & Hypnosis Eliminate Emotional Eating

Written by Erika Flint, BCH, OB | Jun 22, 2023 3:29:48 AM
@djdancinghypnotist The Broocoli Test - use this as a binary indicator to tell you whether you are hungry or not. The food to chose will be custom for you - it is a food you LIKe but do NOT stress eat. The point is we dont have to be hungry to eat junk foods or unhealthy foods. So to determine if you are hungry ask yourself if youd eat a healthy food - maybe broccoli! If the answer is yes, yes you would eat broccoli, then eat! This means you are hungry. Have something healthy. If the answer is no - then you have to do something else to take a break - now is the time to do your default response! Check the linked videos for More #hypnosisforweightloss #reprogramyourweight #hypnosis #selflove @Erika Flint Dancing Hypnotist @Erika Flint Dancing Hypnotist ♬ original sound - Erika Flint Dancing Hypnotist

Emotional eating is a frustrating cycle. It becomes the default response for difficult emotions like stress, anxiety, and boredom. Trying to overcome the cycle can be even more frustrating as everyone wants to offer advice that assumes every person is exactly the same. When I work with weight loss clients, I come from a place of understanding and compassion, and don't expect everyone to do the exact same thing.

One of the first things I work with people on is re-connecting with your body to understand if you're actually hungry, or resorting to that default response of eating to soothe an emotion.

The video above describes the Broccoli Test. You can use this as a binary indicator to tell you whether you are hungry or not. The food that you choose will be custom for you. Broccoli, apple, carrots and hummus, greek yogurt, etc. It should be a healthy food that you LIKE but isn't something you would stress eat (potato chips, sweets, etc.). The point is we often eat junk foods or unhealthy foods when we aren't truly hungry, but rather because we are feeling stressed, sad, or something else that is yearning for some self-soothing. So to determine if you are actually hungry, ask yourself if you'd eat a healthy food - for me it was broccoli! If the answer is yes, yes you would eat broccoli, then eat! This means you are hungry. Have something healthy. If the answer is no - then you have to do something else to give yourself a break - now is not the time to do your default response of snacking to feel better!

For a free handout and to learn more, you can visit thebroccolitest.com.

Weight loss has been extremely important to me. I'm proud to say that after my own transformation, I've gone on to help hundreds of people create their own healthy life that doesn't force them into unrealistic expectations. Through my own journey I was frustrated with having to count calories, stare at the scale, and feeling stuck in my weight loss journey -- so I know what it's like to feel like nothing is working. This led me to creating the extremely effecting hypnosis series Reprogram Your Weight, which is a book and hypnosis program that gets real and lasting results with weight loss. If you'd like to learn more you can visit reprogramyourweight.com for resources and expert support in weight loss that doesn't require a fancy diet, unrealistic exercise goals, and instead focuses on doing what actually feels GOOD to you.

If you are passionate about helping people achieve the healthy life style of their dreams, you should consider becoming a hypnotist! We offer quarterly trainings that are top of line to ensure you can help clients through countless issues, and also get all the information you need about starting your own business. I offer all of our graduates the opportunity to learn how to use Reprogram Your Weight in their own practice. Take the masterclass today to see if becoming a hypnotherapist is the right career choice for you.

And don't forget to follow me on TikTok for more hypnosis tips, inside looks at being a hypnotist, and relaxing hypnosis exercises. You can find me at @DjDancingHypnotist.