Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis Resources

How Lisa Finn Became a Professional Hypnotist & Her Favorite Hypnotic Techniques

Written by Erika Flint, BCH, OB | Jan 11, 2023 10:05:30 PM

Welcome to Living Hypnotically! 

Where we share inspirational wins, tools, and techniques about being a professional hypnotist and helping clients with powerful, modern hypnosis. 

Lisa is a successful professional hypnotists in high-demand in her hometown in Connecticut. 

Read below for a summary of the episode and enjoy learning more about Lisa, her journey to becoming a hypnotist, her favorite hypnosis techniques, living hypnotically, and client wins with hypnosis!

Also mentioned is the Two-Breath Hypnosis Technique! Click here to download your copy and use in your practice.

Summary of the Episode: 

Lisa Finn is a professional hypnotist who started seeing clients in 2020 and quickly found success in her new, rewarding career. 

How did Lisa become a professional hypnotist?

Lisa previously worked in the corporate world, and was feeling unfulfilled -- especially when 2020 hit and life was changing quickly for everyone. 

She began exploring energy healing, reiki, and took a course on being a life coach, but felt there was so much more that could be accomplished if she could find the right way to support the mind in the mind, body, and soul connection.

Lisa Finn, Professional Hypnotist 

While doing the dishes and listening to a podcast, she learned about hypnosis and its effectiveness in transforming the subconscious mind.

This felt like the missing piece she was looking for, so she signed up for professional hypnosis training at Cascade Hypnosis Center for Training & Services in March of 2020.

She quickly began seeing clients and integrating her new hypnosis training, and found great success with the results.

People were experiencing some difficult internal struggles, and she was able to help them find relief, and transform their subconscious to ascend into the life that they truly wanted -- it was incredibly rewarding to be able to help people that were feeling so lost.

Lisa continued her education and has built a large toolbox to help people manage all sorts of different issues.

Her goals are to help each client discover and understand that they are inherently lovable, worthy, and valuable - even when they've believed the opposite for so long.

Hypnosis is able to help people because it gets to the root of the issue, and creates deep, subconscious perspective changes.

A hypnotist will recognize the importance of self-talk, and help the client to pivot the language they are using with themself.

The words we use for our self-talk are important indicators about how someone is feeling, and we want to emphasize when we notice positive changes in self-talk language while going through the hypnosis process to really highlight the transformations that are rapidly occurring between sessions.

Hypnosis is not mind control - it is a natural state where the hypnotist can direct the suggestions you've been trying so hard to consciously make, to your subconscious mind where results happen quickly and with less stress.

Lisa also uses the proven 2 Breath Hypnosis technique to address stress and anxiety with her clients. It is a simple practice that involves visualizing two different colors while inhaling and exhaling two deep breaths. It helps us reconnect with a peaceful state, and work through moments of overwhelm.

Enjoy the full video interview above to learn more about Lisa's success, and how hypnosis can help you, or even become your new career!


Lisa can be reached at LisaFinnHypnosis.com

Video Transcription 

Erika: Hi. Welcome everyone. I am Erika Flint, and this is Living Hypnotically. And today I have an excellent, hypnotist and guest, Lisa Finn and Lisa's in Connecticut right now. Lisa, welcome to the show. Hello, how are you? I am great. It's wonderful to be here where we share the wins and the reasons why hypnosis is so amazing.

So you've been a professional hypnotist now seeing clients for about two years, right? yes. So what made you first wanna be a hypnotist? 

Lisa: I was in the corporate world where I started off.

Lisa: Wasn't feeling very fulfilled, satisfied. I was good at it, but I knew there was something more. So after I had my kids, I started going down the path of energy healing, yoga, sound healing, and I was doing reiki sessions with clients and they wanted to. [00:01:00] And I had nothing to offer them because I was trained to just, an energy healing.

Lisa: And so I really enjoyed that body spirit connection, but I was missing that mind piece, the mind, body, spirit. And so my brain was on alert for w. What's the missing piece? How can I bring in this mind piece? And I'll never forget, I was doing dishes at my kitchen sink, and I was listening to a podcast of something and I was doing dishes.

Lisa: I had the gloves on. My hands are all soapy, and it one podcast ended and then something else started. And you know how you can't, I didn't have time to, to change it. Just the new thing started. And it was Bruce Lipton. And he started talking about, Thoughts and our minds and how powerful our minds are, and how he said, if you wanna make a change, you need to change your [00:02:00] subconscious mind.

Lisa: And I peaked my interest. I was like, oh, this sounds really good. And he said, there's three ways to change your subconscious mind. One is through repetition, which I was familiar, mantras, that kind of stuff. The second was energy healing techniques. Neither which I'm familiar with. And the third was hypnosis.

Lisa: And I was like, oh, hypnosis, which, cause I'd always kinda been on the skirts of what I had been doing, but I never really looked into it. And that's when I dove in and looked at hypnosis as a method to help change that subconscious program that is not working for. Yeah. Yeah. And the rest is history, 

Erika: so to speak.

Erika: The rest is history. Yeah. So what happened when you graduated? Like when you started seeing your first clients, how'd you get your first clients? Do you 

Lisa: remember that? Yeah, so I when I , this was actually when this happened. This was early March, 2020. Okay. So we all know what [00:03:00] happened. We know what happened right after that, right?

Lisa: Wow. So what happened after that was the world shut down. And so at that, I was, oh, the first two weeks, right? So first two weeks I was listening to audio. Just doing nothing. And I was like, this is not working. So that is when I decided I want, the world is not gonna be the same after this and people are gonna need help.

Lisa: And I felt a calling to do this. So what I did was I enrolled with Cascade Hypnosis Center training. Yeah. To learn to be a hypnotist. And I also en enrolled in life coaching school. And the combination of the two. gave me so much knowledge. So then when I was ready to hit the road, I had a whole bunch of coaching friends that were very happy to practice with me in hypnosis.

Lisa: So my first two or three clients awesome were my coaching friends who knew [00:04:00] that your thoughts were creating what you're doing. We took it a step further in hypnosis, how do you not just change your conscious thoughts? How do you change those subconscious thoughts? Wow. They were great to start off with and family, friends, and then I just advertised and I, it was interesting because.

Lisa: I think the timing was, right now, this is fall of 2020 and the timing was right. People were really looking inward at that point. Yeah. We had been stuck inside. We had, everyone had suffered a lot of stress. A lot of changes in their lives and a lot of people, I think, reevaluated where they were going and what was their purpose and what was going on.

Lisa: Did they like what their job was? Once they stopped doing it, and I was one of those people and I created a whole new career, a whole new [00:05:00] business, and Wow. It was really, it was, I felt like it was, the timing was right and I just had. Intuitive hit that this was gonna be needed.

Lisa: Yeah. And so it was pretty easy once I just aligned my energy with putting myself out there to help people. And the training I got was so great that I was like seeing clients right away. And so good job and the continued support and the continued education and I have continued my education since then, the last two and a half years.

Lisa:I have learned additional, so my toolbox is really big so I can help people with all sorts of problems. And that's, It's kind where hypnosis has 

Erika: taken me. Awesome. So can you tell us about one of your clients, maybe a client win that shares a good story? Yes. 

Lisa: So one of my early clients that I never forgot came in [00:06:00] with a fear of driving at night.

Lisa: And I asked her what are you afraid of? Why, can't you drive at night? What's your fear? And she said I can't. And I said if you can't see, you shouldn't be driving. And she said, 

Erika: yeah, validate 

Lisa: that one. Yeah. Okay, maybe you shouldn't be driving . And she said I can see I have glasses.

Lisa: And I said, then why can't you drive at night? And she was like That's a good question. And so kinda. Changing that sentence, changing that belief that she couldn't drive at night. Cuz she was like I can see at night, I have glasses. I can see though there's lights. I wouldn't, cause I'm saying if you can, if it's not safe, you shouldn't be driving.

Lisa: That's a good thing that you're, so she was able with a conscious mind to realize that Yeah. She could see at night. And so when we did hypnosis, she was able to see that [00:07:00] really not driving at night was keeping. Safe, in her house, free from having to go out with her friends, free from having to have to risk going out and making new friends and going out into the world.

Lisa: Because her friends would ask her to go out and she'd be like, no, I can't, cuz I can't go out at night. So it was a nice excuse for her. And so it was pretty easy for her to see this and get over that. And the thing about this client is we ask. What's gonna, what is the benefit of you being able to drive at night and getting over this fear?

Lisa: And she said I'll be calmer. And so I asked, all right, when you're calmer, what does your life look like? And she said I won't be yelling at my kids so much. I won't have this stress and I won't be yelling at my kids. And I said, okay. So after our first session, I said, why don't you just make it consciously intend not to yell, take 24 hours and don't yell at your kids, right?

Lisa: Just, try. Okay. See what it feels. [00:08:00] and she says, okay, I can do that. So she comes back the next week we did our session. He comes back for the second session and I said, so how did it go? Did did you drive at night? Did your kid, yes, you drove at night? It was good. She was happy. And I said, what happened with the kids?

Lisa: Did you? She's I said, did you go to the full 24 hours? And she said, yes. And I said, oh, that's great. She's oh no, Not only did I do 24 hours, I did the whole. And I said the whole, you mean the whole week? The whole time. She's yeah, I just decided to stop yelling at my kids. So for this client, bless heart, once she realized that she had the power in her brain was giving her this.

Lisa: Thought error that she couldn't drive at night. Her brain was also giving her the thought error that she had to yell at her kids to get them to do what she wanted them to do because, and it wasn't working . [00:09:00] So she took what she had learned about her fear of driving and she really applied it. To her life.

Lisa: Wow. And to her kids. 

Erika: And isn't that amazing? When clients take what we give them and they just run with it. So much. Take it so much 

Lisa: further. It was so amazing and some little thing, and then she applied it to her work. She applied it everywhere and she went from being known as like the angry mom and coworker to Yeah.

Lisa: Being the calm one. People are like, what's going on with you? And. Wow. Just feel good. Yeah. She just, and her, daughter was leaving her notes, her love notes, and her son was taking out her. So her kids noticed. Her kids noticed. But you know what? She didn't really do anything to try and control them. She realized she couldn't control them.

Lisa: She could only control herself. And when she changed, they change. And that is [00:10:00] one of the, I think one of the amazing things. The benefits, the extra benefits that I have figured out from working with clients is when I help one person to feel better, to feel calmer, to feel more relaxed, to deal with life, just to know how to deal with the stresses of life, and they feel calmer and they're more relaxed.

Lisa: Their whole, everyone around them benefits from it, right? So a calm mom creates calm. A happy wife creates a happy spouse. So it's right, it is, it's not I'm not just helping the person in front of me when I'm working with someone one-on-one. I'm also helping all the people around them. That feels good.

Erika: Yeah. And our clients come back with those types of results, just like what you're sharing. They'll come back and they have better relationship with their kids and their spouse because of this work. They're feeling better, they're feeling more stable, they're feeling more certain, they [00:11:00] have more confidence, and they don't have those knee-jerk reactions.

Erika: To triggers or other situations that might be happening in their life over and over again, like with young people and a lot of my clients, it's the mess, right? It's like, why can't you pick your stuff up? Why can't you clean your room? Why do you have to leave your bags and your shoes and your stuff everywhere all the time?

Erika: And there's this kind of ongoing argument in the home and the mom is, or the parent is frustrated and the kid is frustrated and nobody's happy. . And with hypnosis, we can feel better about those type of irritating little things that we have to address in our life day in and day out. But for our clients, it becomes a big deal.

Erika: It becomes overwhelming to them. It's oh, can somebody just do the dishes for once? Other than me. But our clients they get their power back. And it sounds like your client got her power back. 

Lisa:Yeah. That was really the key. And I think that [00:12:00] The, key to how we help people is that we help them to understand themselves.

Lisa:Yeah. And knowledge is power. Right? That power when we make a change and we're forcing it because we think we should do something, or this is what we've been told to do and we're forcing a change. It feels difficult. It feels a bur like a 

Erika: brain doesn't wanna change. No, we don't wanna change. We wanna stay the same.

Lisa: But when we in hypnosis can see the benefits of it, we don't have a discomfort that comes along with the change. When we change our programs, when we change our thoughts and programs at the root, at the source so that the change becomes something we really want. So we are doing it because we want [00:13:00] to, 

Erika: because we want, we're not yelling at So you get them aligned 

Lisa: kids.

Lisa: We're not yelling at the kids because we're like, Ooh, I can't yell. I can't yell, I can't yell. We're just like, what's the point of yelling, sweetie? Come here. Can you come put your bag away? I would really like it if you put your bag away. That can you put your bag away within the next 10 minutes?

Lisa: Is that all right? So we can just become, and then the rel. The relationships with people can become more more authentic and more connected. Yeah. Because yelling or stress or like doing those things don't produce the results we want, and most people just aren't connection. We want peace, we want calm, we want connection.


Lisa: Yeah. And we And that's what it sounds like you gave her . Yeah. Yes. And what if what we've been doing isn't working, then we need to change. And sometimes people don't know what, the, what else to do. They have no other way to do [00:14:00] it. So that's what I really love going into my toolbox and coming out.

Lisa: With some things that I know will work for other people. Maybe this will work for you and I can tailor my. To my client to see what will work for you. And if this tool doesn't work, I have three other ones that we can try. Uhhuh , try one thing at a time. It's 

Erika: right. Cause some tools work. Yeah, some work really good for some people.

Erika: Can and, I know you probably have some, can you share one of your tools? 

Lisa: My my favorite tool, of all is the two breath t. That is my very first go-to technique is the two breath technique. And that is just where do you like. I like it because it's quick. It's easy, and nobody needs to know you're doing it

Erika: That's true That's true. Nobody needs to know your, nobody needs, you can do it all on your own. So basically the two breath hypnosis technique, you're gonna think of a color that represents [00:15:00] stress and anxiety, and then you're gonna think color that represents everything you want. Peace connectedness, tranquility.

Erika: And then as you breathe in, you're gonna breathe in the color that you want. The color of peace. And as you exhale, you imagine exhaling things you no longer want. And we're gonna do that breath two times in a row. Takes me maybe 20 seconds. I actually calculated myself sometime because I wanted to know how long it took for me to feel better.

Erika: So what do you think, Lisa? Do you think about 20 seconds? Is that right for you too? You feel better? 

Lisa: 20 seconds. Oh, all it takes. And the more you do this the better you get. And the more you train your brain to anchor into that calmness. Yeah. And we can anchor in that calm, that peace, that resourcefulness, that solution brain, just with our breath, and you can use this at home, at work.

Lisa: In the [00:16:00] car, in the shopping shopping in the line when Yeah. Cause people are gonna do things. That we're not gonna right? 

Erika: We live in an anxious world. In an uncertain world, there's going to be anxiety everywhere we go. This is part of the reason why people don't wanna leave the house, because when they leave the house, there's anxiety everywhere.

Erika: So awesome, job, Lisa. I agree with You The two breath hypnosis technique and the cool thing about it really is that I think the two breath hypnosis technique is a reminder to ourselves. So when I do it, I'm constantly reminding myself who I really am eternal being here for the greater good of, my everyone in the world and loved ones.

Erika: And so in that 20 seconds, it's A reset back to who I want to be at all times. Loving, open, caring, those types of things. And we get classical conditioning, right? When you do it often enough now your brain is stabilizing peace. And for many of our clients, [00:17:00] they've been stabilizing. And running on anxiety for years.

Erika: So they have an anxious brain and even just a single session of hypnosis, which is normally not what we do, right? But even in that very first session, clients can get such massive results because they feel so considerably better. Rather than being on anxious for a couple years now they have an experience where in moments they feel peaceful.

Erika: And the brain really appreciates this moment of nothingness. . Yeah. Very good. Very good. So can you share what your clients taught you last year? Our clients teach us stuff all the time, right? So what do you think? Did they teach you something last year, Lisa? I think 

Lisa: biggest takeaway that I have from, last year and even from all of my sessions, if I think combined, is that the answers to all of our problems, Are [00:18:00] inside of us.

Lisa: Yeah. And one of the, things that I went through this year personally is I was looking outside to solve problems. So I'm a sucker for a good Facebook ad. So the gadgets mm-hmm. the, supplements, the yeah. The videos like external world, please come fix me and it doesn't work for me, it doesn't work for my clients because the answers to our problems are inside of us.

Lisa: Yeah. 

Erika: And it sounds cheesy, right? Everybody says that, but when you work with enough clients what does it mean? What does 

Lisa: it mean? It means that we were born 100% lovable, 100% worthy, 100% valuable. There is nothing wrong with us. We were. Just whole. We are. I am. There's, you don't need to say I am anything else.

Lisa: I am. That's it. I am is enough. Yeah. It's enough. And [00:19:00] we've learned over the years, all these programs, all of these all this information that's not necessarily true about us, And so when we can in hypnosis, get back to who we really are we realize, Yeah, I'm okay. And the external world, the 

Erika: dancers are 

Lisa: in you.

Lisa: Yeah. The, world can happen and I'm still gonna be okay. And when you know that, and when you have that. Peace of mind, then you're not bouncing along to the whims of the external world, then the things 

Erika: you don't need  need. 

Lisa: Yeah. You're not up and down, The things people say, things, people do the, news, the all those external things don't, they don't land if you don't believe them, they can come in.

Lisa: You [00:20:00] understand it, but you don't take it in. 

Erika: They won't work as well. Yeah, no. 

Lisa: So yeah, that's been my journey this year and that is what I've seen with my clients is using hypnosis to quiet the external world, to be able to have that space that, that we can look at what's going on with us, objectively detaching from.

Lisa: Emotion and being able to be present and figure out what's going on with us and what's the answer? Yeah, what's the solution? Because a lot of my clients are very, good at telling other people what they should do, right? They're very good at, oh, buying problems, and they give really, good advice.

Lisa: And they don't know. Why can't I do my, give that same advice to myself? It's because they're too close. They don't have the [00:21:00] objectivity. So with hypnosis, we're able to give them a the, objectivity to change their perspective. So that they can give all that love and support that they give to the world.

Lisa: To themselves. To themselves. Yeah. To themselves. And so just that alone, just that awareness alone can change everything for a lot of our clients. Yeah. One of my clients, 

Erika: That's so beautiful. Thank you for sharing that. And, the other thing is true if our clients are using a lot of things, and I think of weight loss in this regard.

Erika: Clients will have different diet programs or certain foods they eat or certain things that they like to do. And with hypnosis, the things that. Are healthy and good will begin working even better, right? So all of those products maybe you bought or exercise equipment, things like that.

Erika: When our clients do hypnosis, then they start using their exercise equipment. They start following through on the things. So it's almost like hypnosis helps all, helps the external things that you might [00:22:00] have purchased. To start working. Not all of those products you bought online are, gonna be worthlessly set.

Lisa: Yeah. They're all, they're good. I'm using them now. I am using them to help enhance my life. I'm not expecting them to come in and change me. They're not me. 

Erika: A new product. And you're not seeing, I there thinking, oh, I need a new product. I need a new product to save me. It's just, this is the answer.

Lisa: Helping . Yeah. This will make everything different. No, because the I, just was talking to somebody this morning who had lost a bunch of weight and he thought once he lost weight, his life would be better . And he still Oh, he still doesn't like himself. Like not feeling well. So whether you.

Lisa: Sometimes we think, if only this circumstance will change, if only this will happen, then I'll be happy. And so 

Erika: this is, I'll be [00:23:00] happy when, yes, I'll be happy when I get the job. I'll be happy when I graduate. I'll be happy and that I'll be happy when is such a mistake. We need to be happy now. We need to be happy now.

Erika: And that's what you're talking about, right? Exactly. So we're talking about making change from the inside out and recognizing that all the external stuff in the world isn't gonna serve you if you don't start here first. And our clients that are looking here, and this is precisely what we do with hypnosis, they're getting massive results and all the external things start happening again and or start working.

Erika: So awesome, great insight. Hey, how about this? What about I wanna know, Lisa, from you, what you want your clients to know about hypnosis, because there's a, there's some misperceptions that we have before we become hypnotists, and then we get all of this insight about what it's actually like to be a hypnotist.

Erika: And hypnosis what, would you want your clients to know about 

Lisa: [00:24:00] hypnosis? Hypnosis, it's really it's a state of mind. Hypnosis is not something that, like we say, okay, let's go do the hypnosis. Ready to do the hypnosis. We're not doing hypnosis. , I am saying words and you are following what I'm suggesting, and you client are putting yourself into a hypnotic state.

Lisa: So I see myself as the guide or the coach, and I am just helping you. What's really great about working with a professional hypno hypnotist is that I know the questions to ask that you might not ask yourself when you are in that suggestible state. So I can help my clients to get their own insights, to get their own ideas, to have those big aha moments.

Lisa: It's a step beyond just meditation or [00:25:00] do listening to a recording or doing something on your own when you work with, which is really great. I encourage that too, but Right. The, working with a professional hypnotist, when I get to work with someone one-on-one, I get to help the ask that question.

Lisa: And what I find amazing is and I do a lot of this intuitively, which I know you do too. It's that que one question that can flip the thought. I've never thought about that it that way before. That's what clients say all the time, right? Never. I never 

Erika: thought about it. So it's a new perspective, orderly, new perspective.

Erika: It's a new perspective. And it's not painful. It's like hypnosis. 

Lisa: Yeah. Yeah. I dunno the answer. You didn't know the answer. If you knew the answer, you would've fixed it already. So when we go in and into the state of hypnosis, just being highly suggestible, [00:26:00] turn tuning out the outside world so your brain can focus and focus on my words.

Lisa:  Focus on whatever pops. And really you can pay attention and I can help guide you down a path that you may have dismissed in the past and said, oh no, it doesn't have anything to do with that. Because 

Erika: And that's what happens, right? The brain discounts. Yeah. They're like this, 

Lisa: I know. It has nothing to do with this.

Lisa: But blah, blah, blah. And then exactly. That's what has to do with, and I found this for myself. I found this with my clients. It's, we don't know what the answer is, and if we had the answer, we would've solved it. So that's why hypnosis is so brilliant. because it reveals that information.

Lisa: That our minds are dismissing on a conscious level that we don't we yeah, no, it's not that at all. 

Erika: Yeah, that's not it. [00:27:00] That can't be it. Yeah, our brain discounts things, right? And this is why we say, even if you've tried everything else, hypnosis can still work because we do get into that subconscious, right?

Erika: And so even if people have had no success otherwise, when we get them into hypnosis and they get tapped into what's really happening inside, ugh. And this is where we get the light bulb moments, the aha moments. And clients are changing, but it doesn't have to be hard, right? Yeah. So getting this insight for most of our clients feels like home.

Erika: They feel like themselves again. They f Oh, I just feel like myself. I feel comfortable in my skin. I'm just, so getting that insight and having that conversation with ourselves inside using hypnosis is almost required. I think for us in some way or the other, whether you're using hypnosis or meditation or prayer or whatever it is that you're using, the external stuff is not going to bring the happiness and peace that our clients are desiring.

Erika: There is a requirement to go inside, right? So anybody. If you [00:28:00] are struggling with anything and you haven't been able to resolve it, hypnosis might be a really good candidate because we get to the root cause. We get to the truth because hypnosis is a revealing mechanism like Lisa's saying. So really good job, Lisa.

Erika: So how do you live Hypnotically? How do you incorporate hypnosis into your life? 

Lisa:  I have a very busy life. I have three teenagers. I have a husband. I have a house. Two cats. I have a busy life. And so I'm like, okay, when am I gonna do the hypnosis? And I have figured out when I have figured out when to sit down, put my headphones in, get into my hypnosis chair, and I do make an effort to do that.

Lisa:  Some days I can't get there. And those are the days when I real, that's when I realized I need to make this work in my life. And Living Hypnotically and continue it. Continuing to [00:29:00] on my journey, my hypnotic journey, my journey into where's my path in life. I've been able to incorporate hypnosis into my daily routine now, like when I'm doing laundry, is really. An amazing time when I go into a hypnotic state. When I go into state, I get great ideas. Yeah. When I take a shower, I used to listen to like music or i'd, I would put something in my ears during these quiet times, and then I realized that I was doing a disservice to myself.

Lisa:  Because this qu these quiet times that I have, whether I'm doing housework or I'm driving the kids around, or whatever. I'm just taking a walk. These are the, these are those little opportunities for me to go into a hypnotic state. So it might only be five, 10 minutes, but it. Can recenter me, and this is where I have those big thoughts, those aha moments come when I [00:30:00] get to quiet the outside world, and it might just be one minute, it might just be me walking up to the mailbox instead of right picking it up on my way out in the car, right?

Lisa:  It's taking a few moments during the day to get quiet. shut the outside world out for just a moment or two? Just a minute or two. It doesn't have to take long. No, It really can be a moment. There's no effort. There is no effort to that. Okay. Hypnosis is effortless. Yeah, it is effortless.

Lisa:  So sometimes we think okay, I gotta put the headphones on. I gotta get the right recording, I gotta put the music, I have to write the sit up straight, which is good. We wanna do all of that hat right. Sometimes. But if you don't have time to do that all day. Finding those little pockets, those little moments during the day.Yeah. Break 

Erika: happening. And we. We can do that. One of the best examples [00:31:00] I think are an easy example is to piggyback positive suggestions when you're brushing your teeth. This is just a really simple way to get started with something like this, right? Most people are brushing their teeth, so as you're brushing your teeth, Think of positive things that you want to do for the day.

Erika: And it might just be five things, or it might be you might say something to yourself. For example, the very classic, every day in every way, I get better and better. Maybe you're brushing your teeth and that's the only thing you said every day and every way I'm getting better and better. And you repeated that to yourself.

Erika: As you are brushing your teeth, you are now adding a moment of kind of this focused internal clarity to something that's mindless for most people by now, we all know how to brush our teeth. We don't really have to think about it, and that's usually when we can drop into hypnosis in everyday living.

Erika: So brushing our teeth, taking a shower or washing dishes, I get lots of insights. Washing dishes, right? Warm soapy water. So these moments we can [00:32:00] inc. throughout our entire day, so good job. Good job, Lisa. Living hypnotically. Love it. Love it. All right. Is there anything else you'd like to share with every, anybody about h hypnosis? Yeah. As 

Lisa:  you're just saying that one of the things I'm thinking about is the words that we say to ourselves are so important. And that is one of the things that I think I, with every single. That I work with, I ask them how is your self-talk? How are those, and they're like, what are you talking about?

Lisa:  Self-talk Those words that you say to yourself. Are you telling yourself two things can happen? Are you telling yourself what you want, or are you telling yourself what you don't want? And are you being kind to yourself or are you saying, oh, if you mess up, oh, I'm such an idiot, or I'm so right. What are the words?

Lisa:  What are the hypnotic suggestions that you're giving to yourself? Because when you are saying those [00:33:00] words to yourself, those are hypnotic suggestions. Whether you realize it or not, your subconscious is listening. So when you're saying, I hope I don't mess up. I don't wanna be late. Your subconscious is hearing, doesn't hear the, don't, it's hearing late, mess up, hearing, mess up, and you're sitting in that energy.

Lisa:  And when you're disparaging yourself if you do mess up, oh, I'm such an idiot. I can't believe I was so stupid. That's not gonna help you get smarter. telling yourself how stupid you're is not gonna make you more intelligent. Exactly. So this is one of the things that I have worked with pretty much every client.

Lisa:  I actually did a podcast on this because I tell so many clients the same thing. And I love to listen to this podcast over and over cuz it's a really good reinforcement. I asked clients to, I, I think of it in three steps. The first step is just to, Listen to how you speak to [00:34:00] yourself. What you telling yourself? What are the suggestions that you are giving yourself? The hypnotic suggestions. And do you like them? And for some people, just that awareness is enough to change to Yeah. The behavior. To change what's going on. For a lot of people, they've been doing this for so long and so often Yeah.

Lisa:  That it's just a habit. Yep. It's, and so then we go in to. Let's do the let's do some reframing technique here. And so I ask them the second step I say, okay, if you hear yourself say, telling yourself a story that you don't like, it doesn't serve you, I want you to stop. And I want you to think about, ask yourself, is this not serving me?

Lisa:  And the answer is no. What's a better. And what goes along with that. Sometimes that thought feels very true. It feels like [00:35:00] a fact, right? No, I mess up all the time. I am very busy. This is mine. I'm very No, you have to. I am very busy. No, you have to see I'm really super busy. , is it really? But is that really true?

Lisa: What is the truth? Okay, let's tell ourselves the truth here. Let's get to the facts cuz busy. Is an emotion, gives us an emotion. The facts are, I have, I'm driving the kids to school, I have grocery shopping. I, can list the facts and then the facts don't have that 

Erika: emotion attached. Don't have the emotion tied to it.Yeah. Yeah. And good job. 

Lisa:  The other thing is we can say, is it true? Is that thing you're telling me true? And if it's not true, then let's reframe it. And if it is true and it's negative, then I ask them to add. Positive thought. So let's say, okay, let's say I have a, client who has, is overweight, right? And they're like the fact is I weigh 220 [00:36:00] pounds.

Lisa: That's a fact, right? But that, I don't like that. It's negative in my mind. I weigh 220 pounds and I'm still. And I have good blood pressure and, positive statement. So we add the and positive statement, so it balances out the negative truth. Right Now we can add a positive statement to balance out.

Lisa: And then in our brains, this, it's not, but it's, and this is true. I do weigh 220 pounds. Yeah. And I'm doing something. And Yeah. And that feels good, right? And I'm doing hypnosis and I have this under control and I know exactly what to do. Nice. And so this is where we get to feel good right now today before.

Lisa: We've reached [00:37:00] that end state, right? That end 

Erika: goal, where think lots stole. We and everything can just 

Lisa: with our thoughts, just with the way that we speak to ourselves because So important. Yeah. And so feeling when you're feeling good, then the change, the action that you need to make, the change is gonna just come naturally.

Lisa: And it doesn't feel, it doesn't feel as. The change is welcome. It's not a burden. Yeah. It's not difficult. It's not uncomfortable, it's not that we're trying to lose weight and white knuckling and, oh, I can't eat that. I can't do this. I can't. We're wanting to do, this is a fact, what the scale says and I'm doing something about it so we, we can feel good about the, progress.

Lisa:  So just flipping Mr. Being truthful. Yes. Yeah. Clients 

Erika: are being authentic. It's not negated to themselves, 

Lisa: right? It's not looking in the mirror, 220 pounds and saying, oh, I love the way I look. I love the way, if you don't maybe you don't like the way your stomach [00:38:00] looks or your legs look. And I don't like, that's 

Erika: an okay thing to want an improvement's.

Erika: There's nothing wrong with wanting an improvement, right? We just don't want our clients to be in a situation where they're white knuckling anything, where they have knee jerk reactions to things where it's so hard that there's no way that they would keep with it. So what we see in our weight loss clients is peace of mind, yes.

Erika: Sleeping better, feeling better about themselves, getting rid of this negative self-talk. So I'm so glad that you're focusing on the negative self-talk because it's just so. prevalent. It's, pervasive. It's everywhere. We all have it to some degree. Some people don't talk in their head to themselves, and we're not talking about those people, but for everybody who has talked to themself in their mind has the judge or has that part of their mind that is always has something to say.

Erika: Now, we as hypnotist might call that the critical fact. And that is precisely what we are getting rid of in hypnosis temporarily. That part of the mind that wants to nitpick at everything and [00:39:00] say it's wrong, we get we, ask that part of the brain to go to recess or take a nap or something, and then we drop into the heart and we, get to where the truth is.

Erika: And so this negative self-talk is an important. Aspect to talk with our clients. And for any of our listeners, if this is an issue for you, it's a, it's absolutely worth, addressing. I know I had a lot of negative self-talk before I started noticing it, and I was, oh, that was dumb. Oh, that's so stupid, Erika.

Erika: Oh, why'd you say that? Dumbo. Things, just things like that where I'm just kind of calling myself out in real time and I just stopped doing it with hypnosis because I. Talk to myself. I wanna be so loving and en encouraging and helpful with myself because that's what actually works. It doesn't actually help people to be better by yelling at them and calling them names.

Erika: That doesn't actually work when you're saying it out loud to other people too. So it's not gonna work 

Lisa: when you say it to yourself in your head. Yeah. We don't punish ourselves into alignment. We don't punish [00:40:00] ourselves into harmony. We, love ourselves into, we love ourselves into alignment.

Lisa:  Alignment and harmony. Yeah. 

Erika: Good. That's beautiful. We love ourselves into alignment. Thank you. Thank you for that beautiful phrase. Where can people find you? Lisa? They wanna look you up. Do sessions with you, will they find you? You can find me 

Lisa: online at LisaFinnHypnosis.com. I am on Facebook. At Lisa Finn Hypnosis Instagram at Lisa Finn Hypnosis LinkedIn at Lisa Finn Hypnosis.

Lisa:  All right, YouTube 

Erika: at Lisa Finn Hypnosis. Lisa Finn Hypnosis Sounds like a theme here. Yes. Okay. And we'll be sure to add those links to this video at the end. So thank you, Lisa. Anything else you wanna share before we end 

Lisa:  today? I would just share that hypnosis is a. And it can really help change your life for the better And.

Lisa:  I think [00:41:00] everyone should try it at least once. I think 

Erika: so too. At least once, right? Because we'll have clients come in for one thing and they use it for everything else. Little bits here. Things that they've learned for the rest of their life. Because our clients are learning anti-anxiety techniques.

Erika: They're learning how to have more energy, how to talk about themselves, how to get rid of bad habits. So it's just. Overall, they are doing things that we all wanna have skill at doing the rest of our life. How do you do something that's hard? How do you do something that you perceive you can't do?

Erika: Hypnosis. Hypnosis go to the root, go to the source, help 

Lisa:  people there. I think it's the one investment in myself and in my clients when they invest in themselves with this process. That will affect every area of your life and it will continue. The, investment of your time, your energy, your money, doing the sessions will, you'll get the, payback in multiples over the future of your, the [00:42:00] rest of your life because you are not the same.

Lisa:  You're not the same. You've changed and. . Once you realize that you can overcome one issue, it's if I can do that, I can do anything. And so it's very empower. 

Erika: Awesome. Thank you for being here today. I'm Erika Flint, and if you want results, like Lisa, we teach hypnosis hypnotherapy certification courses every quarter.

Erika: You can find me at CascadeHypnosisTraining.com. If you have questions about hypnosis, you want sessions with Lisa or sessions with me, just make sure to read the show notes. We'll put a link below so that you can get the help and the need that you want. All right, everybody, thank you so much for being here.

Erika: This is Living Hypnotically. I'm Erika Flint, and thank you Lisa Finn for joining us today. Thank you. Bye everyone. Bye.