Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis Resources

Navigating the Path to Transformation

Written by Erika Flint, BCH, OB | Dec 6, 2023 10:12:19 PM

Originally published in the Journal of Hypnotism.

Hypnosis is a key tool in personal transformation. In my years as a hypnotist, I've seen many unique transformations, all sharing a common thread. 

In this article, I share the core aspects of these transformations, drawing on my professional observations and personal experiences. 

Transformation isn’t a straight path. It's a series of steps – sometimes forward, sometimes backward or sideways – but always leading to greater self-awareness and growth. This journey calls for honesty, patience, and accepting our imperfections. 

Below are five key strategies and observations that consistently help individuals enjoy meaningful and lasting change. 

  1. Embrace Awareness as the Starting Line: Awareness is the first step in transformation. It's okay to not get it perfect on the first try. Imperfection is part of the journey, not a barrier. So, let's celebrate awareness – it's the beginning of change.
  1. Making and Keeping Small Promises: Building self-trust is like creating a path across a pond, one stone at a time. Avoid over-promising on goals, which can lead to disappointment. Instead, make small, achievable promises to yourself and keep them. This approach rebuilds trust in yourself, one step at a time.
  1. Honesty in Self-Talk: How often do we tell ourselves, "just one chip" or "just a tiny slice of cake," only to stray from that initial bite? This kind of self-talk can be misleading. It's important to confront and acknowledge this pattern. By doing so, we stop the cycle of guilt and shame and begin a more honest dialogue with ourselves.
  1. Celebrate the Wins: Focus on the positives. For example, consider Jennifer, who started eating apples again after years. Encourage recognizing and celebrating these small victories. It's about reinforcing the good changes, sometimes happening without our direct realization.
  2. Welcoming New Experiences: Open yourself to change and watch your world change too. Expect and embrace novelty, beauty, and new opportunities. As you change, so does your perception, revealing new wonders and paths. 

All these strategies guide our clients back to themselves, to their inner joy, as they make and keep small promises. 

The change becomes easier as we celebrate awareness and accept imperfection. Then, by upgrading our self-talk, being honest, celebrating our successes, and being open to new experiences, we continue to evolve. 

I’d love to hear your thoughts on facilitating transformation. Please email me at erika@cascadehypnosiscenter.com. Thank you for engaging with this article; your insights are valuable.