Hypnotherapy and Hypnosis Resources

Sleep Hypnosis Mini-Masterclass

Written by Erika Flint, BCH, OB | Nov 29, 2023 11:03:19 PM


People have really been getting some great inspiration from our live hypnosis mini-masterclass on SLEEP.

So we wanted to present it here for everyone's benefit! 

(And if you weren't there for this live class, we missed you! ❤️)

The mini-masterclass is 2-fold:

  • We're talking about the top 3 ways hypnosis brings restful and peaceful sleep to our clients.
  • And if you're thinking about becoming a highly skilled professional hypnotist, you'll learn the details about what goes into our professional hypnosis certification training (and it will likely answer many questions you have about training with us!)

Check out the video above!

And you can follow along with the transcript and some of the slides below!



(transcript follows)

Welcome everyone to the Hypnosis for Sleep Mini Master Class. I'm Erika Flint.

All right, so today we're gonna be talking about the three most effective ways in which hypnosis brings restful and peaceful sleep to our clients.

So insufficient sleep is a public health epidemic. I didn't realize how pervasive sleep problems were. I could guess based on what's going on in my practice, but when I looked this up, more than 50 million Americans suffer from over 80 different sleep disorders and another 20 to 30 million suffer intermittent sleep problems each year.



This is so many people that are having problems with sleep and what we're finding in the hypnosis office, a lot of our clients come to us directly for sleep issues, but we have to address it with every single client. For example, a lot of our weight loss clients don't get great sleep, and that inhibits their ability to lose weight.

So we end up working with sleep on almost every single client with almost every single client.

Let me tell you guys just briefly about me. I've been a hypnotist. Now we're celebrating my 10th year, so that's pretty exciting.

I started in 2013 after a real low point in my life. I really wasn't sure if I wanted to be around anymore.

Ended up in the hospital, had to make a decision if I wanted to be alive. and clearly I decided to be here. When I decided that I wanted to live and continue, I had to have a new way of being. And that's when I learned hypnosis. And so hypnosis really saved my life. And once I found this new way of being this new, amazing way of living, I had to share it with other people.

So I became a professional hypnotist after a short period of time as a professional hypnotist. The technique works so, so well, so many people were getting helped. I had a three month waiting list, which was heartbreaking, a little bit. Clients had to wait three months to get relief. And so that is when I decided to become a trainer and I started teaching other people to do what I do.

And I hired my first hypnotist shortly after that. Her name was Shannon, and Shannon and I are still good friends. and she's helped a lot of people with hypnosis. And since then we've trained over 300, probably 360 people now in the field of hypnosis. So we've get to help a lot of people with the power of hypnosis.

So that's why we are here today with a lot of gratitude for everyone who is out there helping folks. And thank you guys for being here, because you're probably also in the same area, right? You wanna help people?

So let me tell you just a little bit more. I'm board certified. I've won a lot of awards with the National Guild of Hypnotists.

And this is just to go to, to tell you that we know what we're doing here. and we've helped a lot of people, and this is just a real joy of mine to be in this profession. It gets more and more exciting all the time. Never get bored when you're dealing with consciousness and the power of the mind.

And there are new things that neuroscience is proving every single day that support hypnosis. So it's a really, exciting time to be a hypnotist.

I've authored four books. You might be familiar with Can You Be a Hypnotist?, which is the one I'm upright. Feel free to put in chat. We'll make sure to get you a copy, a free copy of Can You Be a Hypnotist?

So my goal is 1 million Lives Chain Power of Hypnosis. So my goal, Clients. And that brings us to a million lives changed with hypnosis.

And at that point, I believe the society and the public will have a different perception of hypnosis and they might turn to hypnosis first, rather than having a drink or something like that.

So we hope to change hearts and minds and the understanding of hypnosis.



Our agenda today...


We're gonna talk about the modern and professional hypnotherapeutic techniques that we use at Cascade Hypnosis Center that are systematic and repeatable where students have success in class and build confidence right away.

There's no prior experience or education required, and we're gonna look at it through the lens of sleep and getting great sleep.

So let's talk about why you guys are here today. You're probably thinking about becoming a professional hypnotist. You might have had a personal experience with it, or perhaps you might know a friend who's had a personal experience with it.

You might know the power of the mind and be interested to learn more. And you also want the skills of a professional hypnotist. All right?

This isn't steet hypnosis. This isn't stage hypnosis. This is the style of hypnosis where you're gonna help people with really big problems.

What we like to say is hypnosis works even when everything else is failed.

And the reason we get to say that is because hypnosis taps into the subconscious and unconscious minds, and we get to reveal the truth from that space. And in that revealing where the, that truth is revealed.

Our clients get their freedom and our clients get a new way of life. Clients come to us truly after everything else.

They will often say to us that they're at rock bottom or barely have hardly any hope left before they come to see us. So we, have a great honor of helping people at that kind of low point. 

Who is this training for? Compassionate individuals, right? This is for people who re have really, big hearts.

Okay. It is usually the folks who find our training, for sure. It's for coaches and healers who wanna deepen their work with clients. So if you're a coach and a healer and you're already doing great work, you might want to be able to consistently tap into the subconscious and have the techniques, skills and tools to help help your client through that situation.

You might be a massage therapist, acupuncturist, a natural healer, and same thing, you might notice that your client is having great physical improvements.

They might have emotional releases when they're with you, and you might just want the skills to be able to take that and help your client process it further. Because it's probably happening right when you're there with them. Is pretty likely.

Nurses, educators, and retirees. We've got a lot of folks who are migrating from western medicine who are retiring and who want either a part-time or a full-time hypnosis practice. And so there's a lot of folks doing that right now.

And really it's people with a servant's heart.

And by servant's heart, I mean doing it for the greater. Okay. And it's important to consider doing it for the greater good.

And the reason is because we want you to stay in the business for the long term. And there's a lot of fulfillment that comes from doing this practice, and it's not because of the money.

We do make great money, but the reason we get fulfillment and stay in this practice is because it's helping so many people and people are getting relief where they couldn't get relief before. Okay.

I got an email from somebody last week saying, Erika, thank you. I know it sounds cliche, but you changed my life.

I worked with you five years ago and I stopped drinking and still haven't been drinking since. These are the type of emails that we can get all the time. All right.

So do you feel like you're meant to help others in lasting and meaningful ways?

And are you intrigued by how the mind works and believe we are inherently more powerful than we realize?

Those two things are a really, good combo when you care and you're really intrigued by how the mind works. Super good combo for hypnotists.

Today, we're gonna cover some of the most basic questions that you probably have.

  • Why become a hypnotist?
  • What is it like?
  • Does it work?
  • Can you really do it?
  • And how does our training work?
  • What does our training include?
  • What happens when class is over?
  • What is the price and when is it?


So let's start with the first one.

Why become a hypnotist? 

To help people. Help people in lasting ways.

So many people are wanting to turn away from pills and away from things that are not working, and so they're reaching for these internal solutions that are part of personal development.

But a lot of personal development doesn't tap into the subconscious, so people are getting frustrated. So more and more people are seeking out hypnosis for relief.

It can help you contribute in a meaningful way.

And that was partially for me, was so important. I was doing great work when I worked in software, which is what I was doing before as a hypnotist.

But I didn't feel like it was fulfilling.

And so now it feels like I get to contribute to somebody living a better life. And it's not just them, right?

When we get to help one person, if we help mom, then everybody else in mom's life usually improves too. Okay?

You can earn a great income part-time or full-time.

It's true. You don't have to work very many hours. The things that we help people with are really important to them, and they're willing to pay a premium to get them resolved permanently.

Getting started is relatively easy.

There's no prerequisites. You don't have to have particular training.  What we look for is life experience.

So life has taken you and the struggles that you've already overcome, or the ones that you might be in the middle of right now, those are what is going to help you serve your people.

It's also easy to learn. The techniques in our course are repeatable, and they can be taught and they can be learned.

The nice thing about hypnosis in general is that the answers are in our clients. We don't have to memorize a bunch of things.

We're not doing any diagnosing, we're not doing any treatment plans. We are helping our clients realize what's inside of them to get the answers.

Getting started is affordable.

It'll cost you maybe five to 15 K for your basic training. But there's not too much after that. You might wanna chair. A lot of folks are starting virtually, so it's really affordable to get started.

And along those lines, you can work from anywhere. We have folks who travel and work. I we have one hypnotist who lives in Minnesota, travels down to Florida regularly, works from her trailer half the year and works from her home the other half the year.

So there's flexibility. You can work as much or as little as you'd like. So you can have a full-time practice, 40, 50, 60 hours a week. You can work part-time and work in as little as 10 to 15 hours a week. Maybe see two clients a week, something like that, right? So you get the freedom to run your own practice.

You can see private clients group, you can run programs. So it's a real entrepreneurial profession that allows you to do what you would like to do, create programs, create solutions maybe for some areas where you'd like to see some solutions. Okay. The field is really wide open, right?

Another reason to become a hypnotist is to heal yourself.

So if you're sitting there thinking, oh my gosh, Erika, how can I be a hypnotist when I have all my own issues? Just know you're in the right place.

Part of our training is to help you through those issues, right? In class we use self hypnosis in class. But that's beside the point that the reality is as you work through those issues, it makes you a better hypnotist.

And the best hypnotist in the world all have gone through and worked through our own issues, myself included. And I think that's why, in part, I'm really good at, certain issues.

And my compassion grew tremendously by going through my own issues. And so don't be worried if you still feel like you're hung up on a couple of things.

You're probably exactly in the right place for this, because you're gonna learn something in hypnosis that helps you get through that issue. It's gonna prove to yourself the efficacy of hypnosis.

And so that's usually what we see in class - light bulbs coming on in class and people working through their own issues and getting relief.

You can create products and programs that help people. We've got plenty of our grads that have books and programs that are solutions for people live better and more fully alive just as a human right.

You yourself will be more in alignment with your purpose and be following through on that every day.

And of course, spiritual growth. So there's a lot of spiritual growth that can take place. Being an entrepreneur in general, but also hypnotist, right?

It's fun and meaningful.

I don't like to call it work. I always put it in quotes. When I call it work, it's much more like play and connecting with people on a real level every.

By the way, if you guys have questions please feel free to use the q and a. We have the q and a enabled, if you have any questions. Okay.


So how does hypnosis work?

Hypnosis is a focusing and a filtering mechanism.

So the way that I like to think about it is a camera lens. And we're going to be putting on different lenses.

We're gonna be focusing on some things and filtering out others. Now, in general, we're going to depotentiate the left hemisphere, or prefrontal cortex. The smartest part of us, if we kind of wanna call refer to it like that.

We want to depotentiate that part of the mind so that we have access to the subconscious mind and the unconscious mind, the conscious mind.

And that part of us really likes to be in charge all of the time. So it likes to take over quite a bit. Some people call it the bully in the brain.

And so when we quiet that part of the mind, Now we can get to the truth underneath, and there's always the truth underneath. Okay?

Hypnosis is a revealing mechanism and it is so powerfully revealing.

I'll have clients come into me. What do you think it is, Erika? What do you think it is? I don't know. Hypnosis will reveal the truth and we always get an answer. We always get an answer. Okay? It's surprising and it's surprisingly effective for our clients because we deal with the source of the issue.

Hey, we're not dancing around the issue. We're not trying to put band-aids on symptoms. We actively go after the source of the issue based on emotion. So we allow our clients' consciousness to take us directly to the source of the problem.

It's highly effective.

Okay, now our client enters into an altered state of consciousness.

Now, some people would say it's an alpha brainwave state or a theta brainwave state.

And if we're gonna talk about brainwaves normally we're gonna be in a beta brainwave state. It's a little bit faster. It's where we can do our critical thinking, and that is what we might call the conscious mind, right?

So in hypnosis, we slow those brain waves down into an alpha brainwave state, which some people consider flow or very daydreamy, and then in deeper states of hypnosis, more of a theta. And that's very imaginative. That is what gives us colorful dreams when we're dreaming at night. Okay?

So I want you to remember this different information hangs out at different brainwave lengths. Okay?

So when we're in beta where we have access to this information and the quiet alpha brainwaves under there get overlooked. So we quiet all that down and we get access to the information that's really there. Okay?

So it's a two different ways of looking at it, focusing and filtering, and then the neuroscientific way and brain waves, how we look at it.

The truth is we get access to different information that is always there, but covered up by the noise of our conscious thinking.


All right, so let's get back to sleep.

Like I said, 50 million Americans suffer from over 80 different sleep disorders. I didn't know that there were more than 10 different sleep disorders.

And another 20 to 30 million suffer from intermittent sleep. All right? So intermittent sleep, we see both of these. We see people having a hard time falling asleep and going back to sleep. Okay? So we see problems with both. We see some of our clients getting a few hours of sleep a night on a regular basis.

Now, this leads to other issues, as you can imagine, right? We see our clients waking up with an alarm and they're still tired, right?

So one of the questions that I'm gonna ask my clients, especially if they report that they're not sleeping well, or if they are sleeping well, is I'm gonna ask 'em, how do you feel when you wake up in the morning?

What I want is my client to say that they wake up without an alarm feeling rested. Without an alarm feeling rested. One of the first things I want to do for my clients who are having problems sleeping, I might wanna get rid of the alarm . Okay? An alarm is not good for our nervous system, if you can imagine.

And it's usually not the best way to wake up. It's not a gentle way to wake up. So I'm often referring my clients to get a daytime or a sleepy timer alarm or a sunrise alarm so that they're not being shook awake in the morning. That is not a good way to start your day by scaring your nervous system into being awake.

So there's a lot of different issues with sleep.

So how about you guys on the call? Anybody here have any problems with sleep in your life? Has that ever been an issue for. .

I know for me, I would say the biggest problem with my sleep is when I'm on a big project or I'm really focused on something.

For example, when I'm writing a book, right? When I'm writing a book, sometimes I'll have a hard time sleeping because my mind gets really hooked into an idea and then when I lie down to rest, it really noodles in on that idea. It's like my brain thinks, oh, there's nothing going on right now. Why don't we think about this thing?

And so from time to time in my life, I've had to use plenty of these sleep techniques that I'm gonna share with you guys today for myself. Because I just couldn't I couldn't calm down and my brain thought it was a good idea to solve all of the world's problems right as I were falling asleep.

Okay. Yeah. Thanks Catherine. Racing thoughts. Yeah. And some of our clients are on medications. Some of our clients have medications that cause, it. to be hard to fall asleep, but other medications will wake them up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, right?

So it's difficult for our clients to be happy and peaceful when they're always tired and a lot of our clients are overlooking their lack of sleep.

They'll come to see me for weight loss. They'll come to see me for procrastination. They'll come to see me for public speaking, doing better at public speaking, and they don't realize that their lack of sleep for the last six months really is impacting them.

So this is a question that I will ask all of my, in all of my clients in an intake form is, how was your sleep?

How was your sleep?

All right, so we already talked about some of those medications, right? Why does this happen? Medications, pain, right? There might be pain in their body. There might be other health concerns, mind chatter, anxiety and the mind chatter and anxiety. There's a lot of things here we can focus on.

Negative self-talk, reducing negative self-talk. , we can teach our clients thought shifting techniques and but one of the things that tends to work here with the mind chatter is when our clients are playing the worst case scenario game in their mind.

If you are doing that or your clients ever play the worst case scenario, one of the things that we can have our clients do right away that seems to be really effective is just suggest they play the best case scenario.

Just suggest they start playing the best case scenario game. Instead, what if everything went right? What if everything went right?

Let the brain play with that and it can help people fall asleep from time to time.

All right, so let me tell you about Steven. Steven is a super interesting case. He was a retired bank manager and he did this for years.

He came to me because when he got retired, he couldn't fall asleep and his brain was just executing and making all sorts of decisions and just thinking about things over and over. And what he came to think that was he wasn't working all day long. . So his brain was, accustomed to doing all of these tasks and everything.

And so when he retired his brain didn't know what to do. And so when it was time to fall asleep, it would just keep thinking about things We did two things with Steven. We did some really good age regression and we reframed the task of the CEO of his brain.

So we made a CEO of his brain and the c e o of his brain tasked his brain to be offline or off duty. All sorts of really cool things. But the other thing that we had to do with, Steven is just really having a clear conscience, right?

Feeling really good about the work that he did over the course of his life, recognizing that it was good to retire so that he could spend more time with his family.

And really being okay with his decision to retire and not have that role of manager in his life anymore. He was the boss for a long time. He appreciated that role in his life. It gave him something, and now without that, he felt like there was something missing. Okay.

So we had to go through a little bit of grieving for Steven for retiring, and then once that was there, we got his mind on something else.

And so he started studying. It was like watches or something like that. It was like a mechanical kind of nerdy cool thing. And he got really excited about that. So his brain started focusing on that instead. Okay.

So every client that we work with, there's gonna be unique solutions for them. But Steven his, it was fun because his grandson said that he wasn't an old grump anymore the next time he saw him.

So that was a huge win when he shared that feedback from his grandson with us.

Hypnosis is accelerated learning lightning fast and permanent change.

I want you to think about a phobia, right? A phobia is a learned fear, and we can learn fear as a phobia instantaneously. That's how the brain works.

The brain is designed to work that fast when it's protecting you, but the brain can learn that fast anyway, when we don't have the barrier of the conscious mind.

So this is another way to think about hypnosis, accelerated learning. Now, you might be familiar with willpower, right?

Willpower. You might use willpower at the end of the day to not smoke or not drink or not eat that food that you don't wanna be eating.

Now, willpower is part of the conscious mind, okay?

And as long as you have enough energy and keep remembering, oh yeah, I'm not eating that. Oh yeah, I'm not drinking that, then that'll usually be okay.

But the truth is it's not for most people because midway through the day, we get tired. and now all the energy to remember that the willpower is gone. 

And so what we wanna do on hypnosis, we're gonna tap into the subconscious mind. The bigger part of us, we're gonna make changes there.

And then we don't need willpower anymore. And scientists believe that the subconscious and unconscious minds make up to 95% of our total brain power, meaning decision making is really what this is driving to.

And what this is indicating is that there are studies that indicate the decision is already made before we are consciously aware of the decision, and then our conscious mind finds evidence in the real world to back up that decision.

So we know if we wanna make lasting changes, we have to get to the source and the source is in the subconscious and unconscious minds.

So change is lightning fast and permanent in the same way that it can be with a phobia. It's just, it's a positive change and it's the truth. , it's highly effective, and it's how the brain already works.

All right, so how does hypnosis work? What's really happening?


Number one, it eliminates limiting beliefs.

Okay? A lot of our clients come in feeling like they don't belong. They don't have any self-esteem. They've been picked on or they've been not feeling well for quite some time in their life. Okay?

So we can identify limiting beliefs in hypnosis and eliminate them through the process of hypnosis.

And clients feel that what they'll report at this point is, man, I feel like myself again. I feel like myself again. And that is highly, empowering. Okay? It reprograms the mind for what is wanted and desirable.

So the protective part of the mind, the negative negativity bias is always going to point out.

What we don't want, and a part of the work that we're gonna do with our clients is we're gonna shift that orientation to positivity. What do you want? The brain can focus on what is wanted, and we get much faster results when we do it that way.

Hypnosis helps to reset the nervous system so we can practice a calm, nervous system and stabilize a calm, nervous system so that there aren't any knee-jerk reactions or outbursts or overblown reactions to things where our clients feel out of control.

We give them their control back, which also is empower.

So hypnosis works on two things at the same time.

We work on the root cause. What is driving the behavior? What is in there that keeps this energy alive? Even like even when our clients don't want to eat and they do okay, what is doing that?

And we are gonna go after the habitual components at the same time. Okay? So what habits are in place? For example, if our client gets up in the morning and just eats without thinking about it, we would address that habit.

Why hypnosis works - we need you.

I said earlier that all of the answers are within our clients, and that is true, but the role of the hypnotist cannot be understated.

The way that our clients get relief is because they feel safe enough to let that part of the mind reveal the truth. And that happens with good rapport that happens when our clients feel safe.

And so it really is, you really do have an important role by helping your client feel safe in a safe environment in order to access the subconscious mind. So I really want you to know that your heart, the goodness inside of you, that's really what helps people.

You're gonna get quiet and focused and, somebody's gonna notice, right?

And they will feel safe with you. They will trust you, and then you'll be able to do hypnosis with them. Okay?

And this is why hypnosis over YouTube or hypnosis on a recording can be effective, but it's not nearly as effective as hypnosis with another individual, because now you have two energies coming together for the greater good of your client.

So we need you.

It accesses the subconscious mind in a therapeutic and an intentional way.

There's a lot of ways to access subconscious. You can go on a long run. You could go hiking you could go skiing, all sorts of things. But we wanna do it intentionally. And so that's why we use hypnosis.

One thing about our clients is they know what they want to be doing, right?

They know they don't want to eat, they know they don't wanna drink, but in the moment they don't feel that way. So they eat and drink anyway. And that can be very, frustrating for our clients, okay?

Because our clients are smart and then they do these things that they know they don't wanna be doing.

It drives 'em crazy, right? And you guys might feel that way too sometimes. And if that's true, then I would say what and how you feel, there's a gap there. And hypnosis draws that gap. Hypnosis will reveal the truth.

Why you don't feel like doing it in the moment, or why you do feel like doing it in the moment?

That is a very good case for hypnosis, okay? It's very fulfilling to help people realize how powerful they are. And that's one of my favorite phrases.

My job is done when you realize how amazing you are.

And that's the truth. That's the truth. My job is done when you realize how amazing you are.

All right, so number one way that we help our clients with sleep, it eliminates the root cause of disrupted sleep.

This is the fear, this is the anxiety. This is our clients who maybe had trauma in their past, maybe had experiences in their past where they never felt safe, where they never got good night's sleep, or they had an experience where they didn't feel safe.

So we get to use age regression and go in there and help our client and their consciousness know that they survived and that they're safe, and we get to do that very quickly very, quickly.

It's surprising for clients how different they feel when they leave this type of a session than when how they walked in.

Some of them can't even access that old feeling anymore. It's that.

So this is a story about Linda.

Linda has a very hopeful story, very good ending to a sad story. In the beginning, she was abused sexually for many, years in her life, and she escaped and she came to America. And and then she got married and was about ready to have a baby, but she started having nightmares.

And the nightmares were so debilitating. The nightmares were about her childhood. And so she came to me because she said, Erika, I don't want to pass on these nightmares to my children, and I don't know how to get rid of 'em, so can you help me?

And after two sessions of hypnosis, we got rid of those nightmares.

Oh man I, can still remember it.

Was such amazing with Linda. We got through it and she stopped having those nightmares. I ended up with other things that we had to do, but it was after that second session that the nightmares stopped.

She got ahold of her life. The daytime anxiety reduced. She got a job working with kids.

She ended up having two kids after that and just, it changed everything for her.

Okay? So hypnosis works. Even when everything else has failed, she was able to start sleeping again and we got rid of those nightmares for her.

Number two, hypnosis free programs, the thinking Mind for calm and focused.

Now I, mentioned this a little bit earlier. This is one of the techniques that I use on myself, but our clients are smart, okay?

And studies show that the smarter, the more intelligent a person is, the more likely they are to have anxiety. And the reason for that is because the brain is a su super computer that is running scenarios based on our livelihood.

And so in a lot of cases, the brain is running worst case scenario programs against every possible thing in our client's life, and that's what they're doing all night.

They are running and going through this scenario, that scenario, this scenario, that scenario, over and over and they can't sleep. Okay?

Their super computer brains are running that game over and over, okay? So with hypnosis, we can give our clients a new way to be.

We can help them, number one, get rid of some negative self-talk the way that the brain is negatively oriented.

But we can also help our clients get attached to what is positive and what is good, and actually task that supercomputer brain of theirs to do something positive. Positive, allow our clients to rest so that they can recover and have an awesome day the next day.

And for Steven, the falling asleep with a clear conscious, this is so important for so many people they just don't feel good about the choices that they've made in their life.

And when it comes time to falling asleep at night and the quietness around, , and maybe they try to drown it out with the television or whatever, but maybe they can't and they can't fall asleep with a clear conscience because they feel guilty about the choices that they've made in their life.

And to some degree, this is one of the most important things that we help our clients with, because we're gonna help them recognize, get an alignment with what they want in their life, and forgive themselves, okay?

For all of these things, so that it's easy for them to fall asleep. They can go to sleep with a clear conscious, okay?

So I don't wanna underestimate how important that one is. All right? That has to do with belonging. That has to do with confidence. And this isn't necessarily an easy one, but it's something that we do every single day in the Hypnosis Center, okay?

Because this type of work where people feel a sense of belonging and they forgive themselves for things that they have experienced recently or in the past, is so important. People living with guilt and shame, it just makes everything worse. Okay.

And if you have someone in your life who's struggling with something that they did in their past and they won't forgive themselves for, and they beat themselves up for it all the time, it doesn't just impact them, it impacts everybody, right?

So we want our clients to be able to forgive themselves and easily go to bed at night with a clear conscience, okay? That helps our clients sleep. All right?

This also helps give our clients the ability to calm the thinking mind down. Okay. And it's very important for a lot of our clients, and again, a lot of our super smart clients, they haven't been taught how to control the thinking aspects of their mind, and they just let it go do whatever.

So a lot of our clients just very basic help, very basic techniques, really help a lot of our clients, okay? We don't always have to teach them the advanced stuff for them to get a lot of relief.

Also updated self-talk about sleep.

So this is really important. If you are not sleeping well and you keep telling yourself you're a bad sleeper, stop it.

Stop it, okay? Because the brain doesn't know the difference between a real or imagined event, and it's gonna believe everything that you say. Okay?

So when my clients come in and I ask 'em, so how's your sleep? And they say, I'm a terrible sleeper. I'll say is that what you want? Let's not say that anymore.

Let's change it. I sleep better. because I practice self-hypnosis before bed, which calms my mind. Okay? That's a, that's realistic. That would be a realistic statement that I can make to my client. Okay? We're not gonna say I'm a perfect sleeper if they're not. The brain does not believe that, okay, I can fall asleep, but I never stay asleep.

Can you imagine if somebody repeated that to themselves every day? They just, it becomes something that they just follow through on because they believe it. So we're gonna change that. I fall asleep and stay asleep better every week or every night. Okay?

So we're just gonna change the language as well.

All right? This is a holistic solution. So this is another another way for you. If you're having problems sleeping, please look at your language and how you're talking to yourself.

Don't stabilize bad sleep. Okay. Don't stabilize bad sleep. All right? By repeating it to yourself, I've never been a good sleeper.

You might say, I'm sleeping better every week. And you might use temporal language. You might say, in the past, I wasn't a good sleeper, but I'm sleeping better every day now. Now I'm with hypnosis. I'm sleeping better every day. Or something like that. Starts shifting yourself.



What separates wannabe hypnotist or hypnotist that struggle from the hypnotist who make a difference?

I'm gonna share with you a system of hypnosis, and it's the system that makes a difference. And why is that?

It's because a system of hypnosis is gonna help you be fully present with your client.

Too many hypnotists are looking for scripts. They are seeking, what technique should I use next? And the reality is that doesn't serve our clients.

This is a systematic approach.

You're gonna know exactly what to do with your client, which means you're gonna be able to be fully present with them every single time.

Okay, so our training, what you want to be a professional hypnotist you want hypnosis skills and techniques, right?

You wanna be an excellent master hypnotist.

You wanna know the skills, you wanna be able to get your client those re that those results. You want to have the strategy for proper hypnosis session and client management.

You're not gonna see a client just for one session. These are big problems. So we're gonna see our clients on average for five sessions, and you wanna know how to move your client through those sessions properly.

You wanna know how to build your business, right? How to grow your practice. You're gonna want to know self-care and internal estate regulation.

Our clients come in and do their problems with us, so we get to stay calm and we get to help guide our client to a greater understanding through our own behaviors, okay?

And implementation. You're gonna want some help implementing everything that you've learned. And we provide that with our training program, which is really fantastic. I think.

Not having a systematic approach will stop you from being a successful hypnotist.

It certainly stopped me. My original training was good, but I wouldn't say it was professional level because when I was done, I didn't really know what to do ,

One way to describe it is like a Christmas tree, but you get to decorate it how you'd like. So this is part of the reason why it makes learning this this system of hypnosis so fast, okay?

Because it is a system, which means you get to have success right away. And when you have success right away, your clients get results right away. That builds your confidence and momentum, right?

And just this last week, I had a client come to me in tears. She, signed up with me and she was in tears and she said, Thank you, Erika. I have hope again. I have hope again. I almost burst it out in tears too. I try not to cl to cry in front of my clients unless they think it's appropriate, but this one really tugged on my heartstrings because she's been through so much and I didn't even do hypnosis with her yet, you guys, she just signed up.

But when people believe that things are going to be different and they offer you a financial obligation in exchange for the deposit of hypnosis sessions, that means she believes she's gonna get results.

So she left hopeful, and I saw a physical change in her. She didn't have she didn't seem so kind of dark eyed it was, there's a brightness and a happiness, right?

So we get to help our clients have hope again.

Once our clients are feeling hopeful, we're gonna ask them to bring up a feeling that has everything to do with why they called us. So we're gonna use really powerful affect to bridge our clients back.

To the origin of the problem or problems. And we have a highly, effective technique to help our clients work through all of the issues there. Okay?

After we get rid of the fear in age regression, the next thing we're gonna do is we're going to get rid of erroneous and useless anger.

So many of our clients are carrying around anger that is not serving them, and we have a highly effective technique to help our clients forgive the people in their life that are not, that.

There's still the anger, therefore, and after this, it reduces anger, increases peace and feelings of self-control. And our clients are feeling really awesome at this point. forgiveness of self.

After our clients forgive everybody in the world who has hurt them, we're gonna say, don't you deserve the same level of consideration?

That you offered everybody else, and this is where we, get such redemption and beautiful expression of self-love in phase four because our clients forgive themself. They forgive themself.

In part because we have a lot of leverage to help our clients forgive themselves because they've forgiven other people in phase three, by this point, our client has gotten rid of fear.

They've gotten rid of anger, and they've gotten rid of guilt. They've gotten rid of. And now they're feeling a sense of empowerment and they're recognizing all of the things that they did do right in their life.

And by this point, our client has probably already stopped drinking, stopped smoking, and they're well on their way to the better life that they want.

Parts mediation therapy addresses secondary gain, right? So secondary gain is a second reason to hang on to the problem.

For example, you grandma Betty hurts her hip and she has surgery. So grandson Bobby comes over every week.

He mows her lawn, he brings her groceries. But Grandma Betty's hip isn't getting better, even though the doctor says it should get better. Maybe Grandma Betty is suffering from secondary gain.

She doesn't want her hip to get better because if her hip gets better, grandson, Bobby won't come over anymore.

So Grandma Betty has a second reason to hang onto her hip pain, and that's her grandson, Bobby. And she's probably not conscious of it.

Most of our clients aren't conscious of the secondary gain. If they are, they usually get rid of it or mention it to us. So we are gonna watch for that and we're gonna help our clients work through it.

If it comes up, this is where we might see our client's weight loss stall, or we might see our client who hasn't drank for a month feel like drinking again. Okay?

So we're gonna make sure that our clients get 100% relief, okay? it's systematic. There's no guessing.

Okay? There are stopping points along the way.

It's criteria based. You'll have proof that your client is ready for the next step. It feels really good with depth testing.

For example, the assessment of readiness of hypnosis, the hypnotic convincers, all of these things give us insight into where our client is at and what we should do next.

o we're not sitting in there thinking, did I make the right decision?

Yeah, you did, because it's either this or that, and that gives us confidence. And so you will feel confident as a hypnotist in this program. Okay?

There's depth testing built in the induction has depth testing built in so that you're making sure you're working with your client at the proper depth of hypnosis.

If you're not working at the proper depth, then you're probably just having a, conscious dis conversation. So depth testing and ensuring that your client is at the proper depth of hypnosis is a very important element of the work that we do with our clients. Okay.

Now the number one thing that matters is that our clients get results.

Our clients get results, okay? And that's what's gonna grow your practice too. Just talking with a another grad last week. He is super busy, and he already has 14 Google, five star reviews. He hasn't even been in practice that long. But the way that he's going his practice is, through referrals.

Everybody thinks he's doing great, they send him nor more people, right? So it's results that we're gonna base our practice on. So this program, this process works.

We don't wanna just do one-on-one hypnosis with them. We're going to teach our clients self-hypnosis so they go home at night and continue to empower themselves and continue to make positive changes with the idea that they don't have to come back and see us again, right?

They come for that one problem. We help them address that one problem we teach them self-hypnosis, and then with that alone is enough to help them continue on their own.

So can you be a hypnotist?

This is how our training program can help you build a professional practice even if you have no experience.

And a lot of our students don't have any experience owning a business whatsoever. So if that's you, just know we got you.

If you already an entrepreneur already own a business, then you'll find this pretty straightforward and pretty easy. The hypnosis profession is pretty straightforward and easy.

So imagine how different your life would be if you knew you already had the skills of a successful hypnotist and could change people's lives with your work.

When you have somebody say to you, thank you, Erika, you changed my life, right? Something like that, and getting people to regularly say things like that to you, we of course get to say back to them you did that, you changed your own life and I'm proud of you.

So we are looking for some compassionate hypnotist to introduce a new era of hypnosis to the world using modern and effective techniques.

We want people in the public to know that going to hypnosis is gonna be for healing, not a stage hypnotist.

Okay. So the only thing required is your life experience. And the issues that hypnosis helps with is basically anything that you think you should be able to do. But you're not able to. 

The bread and butter of hypnosis is weight loss and smoking. But we also help a lot of people with sleep.

A lot of people with stress.

We help a lot of people with relationship issues.

Help a lot of people with fertility, right?

Performance, right? Being a better performer.

Spiritual growth.

There's a great, need right now for hypnotists who wanna work with kids and for hypnotists who wanna do pain management.

Huge need, huge gap right now in those two specific areas.

So the possibilities are endless with hypnosis.

It's almost like anybody you meet because it's everyday problems. Okay? Our clientele is not medical, okay? It's not mental health. It's not medical health.

We help everyday people with everyday problems.

So nearly everybody you meet wishes that there's something that they could do better, Which is, there's something that they could change about themselves, but it's just not happening,

Which means nearly everyone you met could benefit from hypnosis, and that's why it's easy to teach classes.

You can teach a class on stress relief sleep.

You can teach a class on test improvement. You can teach a class on writing a book and include hypnosis in every single one of these because it's gonna provide improvement in every single one of them, right? 

Now, can you actually hypnotize somebody like some of our grads think that's great, Erika, or some of our students, incoming students think that's great, Erika, but can I actually do it?

And the truth is yes. Yes you can, because hypnosis is a normal and natural state of mind, and the best hypnotic techniques are repeatable and they can be taught. Okay.

So the best hypnotic techniques can be repeatable. We don't rely on intuition, we rely on techniques and the way the mind works to create and craft techniques that we know we can rely on.

And those are the techniques that we're going to teach you. So you will have confidence as a hypnotist. Alright, so here are some of the reasons why Can you actually hypnotize somebody?

So the class is taught hypnotically. We do hypnosis in class. It's fast, it's fun.

We repeat certain things to hit on the most important elements so that you can gain skill quickly.

You do not need a bunch of inductions or a bunch of scripts because what we do is insight based hypnosis. It's systematic, and it's based on an emotional scale, okay? So it's easier to learn, easier to do, and easier to get results, right? nothing I've shared with you is theory.

We do this every day. I've used this system of hypnosis to create multiple six figure businesses, including this one and my private hypnosis practice, right?

Our grads turn around and do the exact same thing. No, it's not. It requires work, okay? It does require work. It requires you showing up and talking about hypnosis, but it works and our grads do it all the time. So is now the right time with, for you?

We're looking for folks who wanna train with us within the next six months.

So let's talk about why you showed up here today.

If you are here to serve people and create lasting change, then the answer is. Hypnosis provides rapid and repeatable results.

And that's why when a student asked me one time, Erika, how do you do this hard work every day? Helping people with anxiety, helping people with some of these traumas?

And my answer was, because it works.

Doesn't matter what somebody's feeling when they come in, I know it works. And so I am associating to the fact that it works. That's how confident I am in getting that client relief. And we do every time.

So if you like the idea of not just any hypnosis training, but a proven, repeatable, systematic approach to hypnosis that is criteria based and used around the world, then you are in the right place now.

Number three, hypnosis sleep hacks empower our clients.

These are some of my favorite ways to fall asleep. Self-hypnosis, we can condition ourselves using self-hypnosis.

This does not take very long, and a lot of our clients do this automatically just by listening to the relaxation recording that we give them.

So some of our clients just automatically start sleeping better by listening to the relaxation recording. Okay.

You can do the alpha sequence. If you're not familiar with the alpha sequence, let us know. We can get you access to that. There's also the two breath hypnosis technique, which is highly, effective.

And my personal favorite, slowing down your internal dialogue.

Just me saying it makes me a little sleepy. All right, so this is a really sneaky one. You guys, it doesn't always work. You really have to focus on it. But if you do have a hard time sleeping, practice this during the day. Slow down your internal dialogue.

Slow as you can practice it, and then at night, if you can't sleep, practice it again. If you can keep your body really still while you think that it's likely you'll go back to sleep, okay? It's likely you will go back to sleep. All right? I love that one. Slow down your internal dialogue. All right.

Thank you. You've changed my life. This is from one of our clients. I've lost almost the weight, all the weight I wanted to lose, but my neuropathy is better, and that was unexpected.

Clients come in for one thing and they leave with so much more.

And that's what we want because we get at that root cause. So our clients start sleeping better, start feeling better.

Their relationships with people in their life improve. They automatically start taking better care of themself. And another one. Thank you. You changed my life.

This is from a young teenager. I have lashes and browse again. She was stressed out at school and she worked with Shannon and she stopped pulling her, eyebrows out.

Isn't that amazing? 

The first step is to apply. So if this sounds good to you, I'm going to ask you to apply. It's a very simple application process.



So we're gonna ask you what you want do you want, what kind of your vision is? And the step after the application is an interview with me.

And so we're gonna figure out is this the right training for you based on what you want? And this is why we get such great results for each of our grads.

We make sure that this is the right training for you. Okay?

This is just a pic in class. 

The Hypnosis Center.



So our training program includes everything that you need to become a professional hypnotist, okay?

Comprehensive pre-work. This is how we get you such great results in the seven day training, our seven day in person or remote.

You can take it remotely over Zoom if that's your preference. And it is for some of our grads or for some of our students, it's just easier for them to attend remotely.

It's very intensive and very fun and everybody has a good time and learns a lot, but the reason we're able to do that is because of the comprehensive pre-work.

Okay? Now, after class is the three month implementation program, and this is really important. We help you implement everything that you learned in class. So we help you get and work with your first clients. Okay.

There is the hypnosis training library full of expert modules, self-study programs, and all sorts of things that you can access anytime, scripts, all sorts of things to help you be excellent right away.

And then marketing and content templates to help grow your practice immediately.

Some more pictures of us in class having fun.

And one more time...

Imagine how different your life would be if you knew you already had the skills of a successful hypnotist.

My guess is you already have a lot of the skills of a successful hypnotist right now, and that is a big heart, a desire to help you probably have some things you really wanna help people with, and those are the most important things and we'll teach you the skills, we'll teach you the next part.

So if this is right for you, you can get started right away. What we want you to do is go to cascadehypnosistraining.com/apply.

After the application we will do online video interviews for everybody who we believe that we can help. All right, I look forward to seeing you in class.

So great to have you guys here today! Thank you all so much for showing up and hanging in there, and I look forward to seeing you in the hypnosis classroom. Bye for now.