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Hypnosis Courses

Experience hypnosis for personal development or as a career through one of our expert-led hypnotherapy classes. 

Upcoming Classes & Live Events

Photo Apr 23 2023, 6 14 38 PM
2023-12-1 Boot Camp Sleep Thumbnail
*Half Price Early Bird Registration through Nov. 10!

Registration Open!
One Day Hypnosis Boot Camp

$275 (regularly $550, register for just $275 by November 10)

Live Full-Day Virtual Intensive with Erika Flint

  • Friday, December 1
  • 9am - 5pm Pacific, via Zoom
  • Learn how to help yourself and others with the power of hypnosis!
  • For Aspiring Hypnotists, High Performers, Coaches, Entrepreneurs, and Healers
  • This month's special topic centers around using hypnosis for restful, restorative SLEEP.
Register Now!
jennifer_macniven_ Hypnotherapists-4107
CYBAH Erika Flint
Can You Be a Hypnotist Episode 1
Hypnosis Training Program Grads
Top 3 Hypnosis Anti-Anxiety Techniques
Hypnosis Training

Top 3 Hypnosis Anti-Anxiety Techniques

Ongoing, on demand

Discover how professional hypnotists empower their clients to get lasting relief from anxiety.



Beginner Courses

Hypnosis Starter Kit-1
How to Hypnotize-1


Advanced Training

Stop Smoking
Breaking Money Blocks Hypnosis Demo
Reprogram Your Weight for Hypnotists


Hypnosis Bootcamp

Workshop + Membership Program

$275 through June 30, $550 after


Free Resources

Can You Be a Hypnotist
Hypnosis for Stress and Anxiety
Free Info Kit
Video Training Library-1
truth about hypnosis video
Hypnosis Business Guides-1

Interested in a part-time or full-time hypnosis career?

Explore our 7-day comprehensive, accredited training and certification program.