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Transform Self-talk with Hypnosis with Lisa Shook

Written by Erika Flint, BCH, OB | Jun 25, 2024 5:50:58 PM

Living Hypnotically Episode 20

Welcome to episode #20 of "Living Hypnotically," where we delve into the transformative power of hypnosis.

I'm Erika Flint, and today I'm thrilled to share my recent conversation with Lisa shook, a fellow professional hypnotist and grad of our hypnosis training program, dedicated to helping people master their mindset and become the boss of their brains.

Our discussion was filled with insights, touching stories, and practical techniques that can significantly impact your life.

Highlights from My Interview with Lisa

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a secret tool that could help you break bad habits, boost your confidence, and even mend broken relationships?

It might sound like magic, but as our latest interview with professional hypnotist Lisa Shook reveals, the power of hypnosis is very real - and it's changing lives in ways you might not expect.

In this heartfelt  conversation, Lisa takes us beyond the stereotypes of swinging pocket watches and stage performances. Instead, she paints a picture of hypnosis as a practical, everyday tool for personal growth and transformation.

Here are some intriguing insights from our chat:

  1. The Myth of "I Can't Relax" Lisa works with high-powered professionals who claim they "can't shut off." Sound familiar? You might be surprised to learn how quickly these stressed-out individuals find peace through simple hypnotic techniques.
  2. Food is Not Your Problem If you've ever found yourself mindlessly munching late at night, Lisa's perspective on emotional eating could be a game-changer. Hint: It's not about the food!
  3. The Two-Breath Technique Imagine having a "pause button" for stressful moments. Lisa shares a simple yet powerful technique that's helping her clients break free from autopilot behaviors. Download the two breath hypnosis technique here
  4. The Ripple Effect Perhaps the most fascinating revelation is how one person's hypnosis journey can positively impact their entire family - even estranged relatives! It's a powerful reminder of our interconnectedness.
  5. Living Hypnotically What does it mean to "live hypnotically"? Lisa's insights into daily self-hypnosis and managing negative self-talk offer a glimpse into a more mindful, intentional way of living.

Whether you're a skeptic or a believer, this conversation challenges preconceptions about hypnosis and offers a fresh perspective on personal development. It's not about losing control - it's about gaining it in areas of your life where you might feel powerless.

So, are you ready to explore the potential of your own mind? Watch the full interview below, and prepare to see hypnosis - and yourself - in a whole new light.


Have you had any experiences with hypnosis? Or are you inspired to try it after watching this interview? Share your thoughts in the comments below!


For more information and resources on hypnosis, visit CascadeHypnosisTraining.com/guide and check out our Ultimate Guide to Becoming a Professional Hypnotist in 2024. 


Lisa Shook is in the Seattle area and can be reached at: LisaShookHypnosis.com