Break Money Blocks with Hypnosis 2-Session Live Demo
Watch this Live, Single Hypnosis Session Training Video

The best learning doesn't come from a book.
This training is a live recording of hypnosis sessions with a client -annotated with additional insight from Erika Flint.
Follow along with the advanced techniques and become an even better hypnotist in this short and insight filled session!
Learning is FUN & Effective with LIVE Demos
Course Overview
2 video lessons covering 2 hours of hypnosis and in-session strategizing.
All videos are transcribed, with additional details and insight added by Erika Flint.
Hypnosis Session Highlights & Techniques
Kathie has been feeling blocked from financial success because of past issues with worthiness. Follow along as Erika transforms those blocks into resources of strength and success.
- How to conduct a Pre-hypnosis interview
- How to update and clarify client outcomes
- A history of the issue is covered
- The Hypnosis Induction
- What deepeners are best, and how do you test for the proper depth in hypnosis?
- An example of Age regression with the Affect Bridge technique
- Examples of continually regressing until the first incident is uncovered - what we call the Initial Sensitizing Event
- How to conduct the Informed child technique
- How to get insight from the experience
- How to work with visualizations that come up in the session
- How to help clients feel physically relaxed, and "reset" their nervous system to a new, calmer normal.
- How to incorporate direct suggestion on the fly
- Using the emerging sequence to clarify insight gained, and promote conscious buy -in.
Start learning with 4 self-paced videos

100% Completely Risk Free
If you're not completely satisfied that this training is valuable and worthwhile for your needs, just let us know. You'll get a full refund with zero hassle. We want you to be happy and enjoy learning hypnosis in an interesting and effective way.
Learn the Advanced Techniques Easily
Gain insight by watching the advanced techniques and growing skill in: age regression, forgiveness, grief therapy, future progression, and talking to the unconscious mind.

More than Stopping Smoking
The focal point of these sessions is stopping smoking - however the learning encompasses advanced techniques you'll use across all different situations you'll encounter working with clients.
About Hypnotist Erika Flint
Erika Flint, BA, BCH, A+CPHI, OB, author of Reprogram Your Weight, Lighter, and Can You Be a Hypnotist?, and The Academy of Eternity.