Reprogram Your Weight Master Training for Hypnotists
Build A Solid, Consistent Weight Loss Program & Help Clients Finally Lose the Weight & Get Their Lives Back with this Proven Hypnosis Weight Loss System.

Learn the Reprogram Your Weight System of lasting weight loss
- 12 Video Lessons: Master Hypnosis Training for Weight Loss
- 8 Video Lessons: RYW Client Training (you will send this to your clients and they'll get results before working with you!)
- RYW Manual
- RYW Client Playbook (customizable with your details)
- All hypnosis RYW Scripts
- All hypnosis Recordings (you can give to clients or record. yourself)
- Video Training for Clients: Gets your clients success before even starting with you.
12 videos and step-by-step instruction
Day 1: Overview and Client Success
- Overview of the Reprogram Your Weight System
- The Reprogram Your Weight Framework
- Initial Consultation & How to Sell RYW - objections, ideal clients, and approach
- Setting clients up for success : external data, homework, pre-work, and other session related details
- Neuroscience for Weight loss clients
- Mindset of the RYW Hypnotist

All Hypnosis Recordings and Scripts Included
Day 2: Details of Tools, Techniques, and modifications to 5-PATH processes
- Maximizing the Pre-hypnosis interview for client success
- The Reprogram Your Weight Details : incremental success, default response, negativity bias, limiting beliefs, end-state
- Advanced Hypnosis for RYW clients : direct suggestion, modifications to 5-PATH phases, and techniques
- Addressing the big three : Sleep, Stress, Sugar
- Nutrition and Activity Modifications
- Common client pitfalls and resolutions
- Back-end and ongoing support for clients
Start learning with 12 self-paced lessons

Course Content
Upon purchase of this introductory course, you'll gain access to 2 Courses, 3 modules and 20 videos.
Course #1: Reprogram Your Weight Master Training for Hypnotists
Course #2: Reprogram Your Weight for Clients
Reprogram Your Weight for Clients
Including the RYW Training for clients:
- Reprogram Your Weight book (pdf)
- Lighter book (pdf)
- Weight Loss Scripts & Recordings:
- Your Weight is Melting Away
- Your Appetite is Suppressed
- Your Metabolism is Increasing
- Eating Mindfully
- Learning to Relax
- Learning to Relax and Fall Asleep
- Empowering Morning Hypnosis
- Increased Inner Power and Self Confidence
- Motivated to Be Active
- Just Say Yes with Hypnosis
- Just Say Yes
- RYW Playbook for your clients with the option to customize with your practice details.
- Immediate access to the online Reprogram Your Weight LIVE client pre-work video training course.

Erika Flint’s Reprogram Your Weight system is brilliant! Clients walk out with something concrete to do the minute they sign up, and by the time they come to their first hypnosis session pretty much all of them have already started to lose weight! Erika’s system is simple and effective. Helping clients with weight loss can feel like a long drawn out slog. The RYW system gives you a solid framework and solid tools. I love the expressions when I first tell my clients “Eat when you’re hungry!” No weighing, journaling, calorie or point counting. No deprivation. You eat when you’re hungry. And my clients say they really like Erika’s books, Reprogram Your Weight and Lighter. It’s a good investment for any hypnotist planning on weight loss clients.

Kathie Hardy, RN MS MBA CH Program Graduate at Salish Sea Hypnosis
About Hypnotist Erika Flint
Reprogram Your Weight was developed by Erika Flint, BA, BCH, A+CPHI, OB, author of Reprogram Your Weight, Lighter, and Can You Be a Hypnotist?, and The Academy of Eternity.