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Graduate Testimonials

The hypnosis students we choose to train are compassionate. Every student is hand-picked based on their desire to bring relief and hope to their communities. They love getting results for their clients, just as we love getting results for our graduates. Read some of our graduate stories of success and transformation.

Interview With Professional Hypnotist Annie Alexander, Ph.D.

Annie is a certified hypnotherapist and graduate of our accredited hypnosis certification training program Her mission is to help people get fast, effective relief and permanent results using insight based and a systematic approach to hypnosis.


More Graduate Success Stories


Kathie Hardy, Registered Nurse

Kathie Hardy has been a Registered Nurse for over 30 years. When she realized hypnosis was so effective in eliminating problems and behaviors that lead to serious health problems, she couldn't get into school at our training center fast enough! She still enjoys many things about nursing and feelsI that she has a more positive long-term influence in people's lives in the hypnosis office! It's her dream to help 1,000 clients with hypnosis as soon as possible!

Christian Skoorsmith, professional hypnotherapist

"I had already been a practicing hypnotherapist for several months, and received two certifications from other schools, but I wasn’t having the success with my clients that I wanted to have."


Ophelia Wang, scholar and consultant

Certified Hypnotist Ophelia Wang dedicated herself to biodiversity and conservation as a scholar and professional consultant to heal the natural environment, she grew a strong interest in human beings and how the mind interacts with behaviors which lead her to pursue a fulfilling career as a Certified Professional Hypnotist.

Erika was professional and thorough. Course material was engaging and educational. I feel well equipped to begin my hypnotherapy practice. The class is very interactive, and Erika made it fun too!

Adrienne Booth Program Graduate

More Graduate Stories

Lawrence Winnerman
Certified Hypnotist
Shannon Wallace
Shannon Wallace
Certified Hypnotist
Brian McCartney
Brian McCartney
Certified Hypnotist
Heather Stewart
Heather Stewart
Certified Hypnotist


I am SO excited to get started as a hypnotist...

I embarked on this course not knowing how I’d feel after 7 days - would I truly be ready to be a hypnotist? Now that this moment has arrived, I can definitely say - ABSOLUTELY. Erika is so knowledgeable and has been so generous with her time throughout the entire week - it is clear that she has a great deal of passion for her work as both a hypnotist and teacher of hypnotists. This was clear to me not only in the level of dedication she showed to us throughout the week, but also we have (and will have) access to. Thank you Erika and Tim for the life changing experience. Your compassion, thoughtfulness, and dedication to your craft is admirable. I am SO excited to get started as a hypnotist and to continue learning through the accelerator course. And thank you for all the amazing materials as well - the videos, manuals, 5-PATH, 7th Path - I feel so lucky to have had the opportunity to learn from you all!
— Melissa Draper

This was a fantastic class. I am truly inspired.

This was a fantastic class. I am truly inspired. I came in with insomnia and anxiety eating away at me and I did all the Phases on myself as I learned them. Last night I slept all night, for the first time the entire week. My anxiety, while not gone... is much, MUCH, lower. And now that it is lowered, I can see the world again. It is awesome.
Erika is a perfect balance of no BS and supportive. Her knowledge is vast, her confidence is infectious, and her zeal is otherworldly --- and I really got hooked. She is a force of nature -- but a force for good. Tim is simply the most lovely, reassuring and positive teacher I have ever had. Bravo, you guys.
— Jonathan Hyatt, RN (ret.), BSN, MPH

I feel confident in my skills and knowledge as a hypnotist...

Erika and Tim are both extremely professional and compassionate. Their love of hypnosis and people is evident from my first interaction. The information provided is concise and easy to understand, and is presented in a manner that makes it easy to integrate in my life. I feel confident in my skills and knowledge as a hypnotist after taking this class, and that is directly related to their heart-centered approach.
— Eva Johnson

Erika is an outstanding teacher...

I loved the morning and evening practice sessions with classmates! Also watching videos to see Cal in action helped to reinforce all the theory being offered. The high level of interaction via technology was beyond my hopes and I felt as though I shared an experience with my classmates both online and in person. Erika is an outstanding teacher and Tim is an outstanding mentor. I'm leaving this training feeling confident to begin my practice as a hypnotist!
— Steven Perry, BA

Erika was an incredible teacher

Erika was an incredible teacher. Her voice and delivery make it easy to pay attention, even during the long days. Everything was clearly well organized by her and Tim beforehand. There was a good balance of learning from the books and practicing hands-on. The physical environment felt safe and secure. Many examples were shared from Erika’s personal experiences, which was extremely helpful.
— Jaclyn Hoyt

Well organized... Very Supportive Energy

Well organized, great materials practiced! Not just “talked to.” Very supportive energy. Was great having others as additional mentors to give feedback from other perspectives.
— Teri Burnett, MD

I feel fully prepared and motivated to start helping people in my own business.

Erika teaches hypnosis from such an incredibly authentic place. I felt that my instructors genuinely wanted me to succeed, and critique/feedback isalways given from a positive place. I feel fully prepared and motivated to start helping people in my own business.
— Cecilia Mercurio, BA, MS

Began to see the deep importance of hypnosis

This course and Erika & Tim were absolutely amazing. The biggest piece of this was the heartfelt connections and learning about how to love yourself. Everything about it is heart-centered and inner work. I also love that it can accommodate all walks of life as far as beliefs. I would definitely recommend this course to anyone looking to learn about hypnosis. I met (Tim) over the phone and he really paid attention to my concerns and showed a belief in me that I did not have for myself, and I greatly appreciate that. Erika really felt kind of like a fairy godmother that came in and saved me at the last minute. She shared her love and heart each day and was fully present the entire time. Her insight and wisdom is truly so valuable, and I really began to see the deep importance of hypnosis, and know that I can help others gain their confidence, and even find the inner being that they are.
— Jennifer Hamlet

Truly invested in my success.

From the first phone call with Tim and his thorough explanation of the program to this last day of training, I have felt the care and consideration from both Erika and Tim that they exude to us in the course. All of my questions and comments were answered and considered and I feel that they are truly invested in my success. Tim was always so attentive with the technology and quick to fix any problems as soon as they occurred (and often knew before I did!).
Erika has a beautiful aura and no-nonsense way of teaching that magnetized me to her from the first time I saw her at a Lunch and Learn! I am infinitely grateful that I took this leap and cannot wait to start helping my clients!
— Amy Kowalski, BS, LMT, CH

Erika Flint is amazing as a teacher and mentor.

This course has changed my life! The new perspectives that I’ve gained during this week is mind-blowing, and the information I’ve been given and the skills that I’ve been taught will benefit myself, my loved ones, and countless others who are fortunate enough to know me from here on out. I couldn’t be happier, and I’m excited about the next phase of starting my own business. Tim did a wonderful job from the beginning in helping me to keep focus while overcoming obstacles in my life that made it hard to follow through. He was also a continuous support during class, full of good advice and always there to let you know you’re doing a great job!
Erika Flint is amazing as a teacher and mentor. She is very skilled and talented. Her abilities to get through and make sure each student is absorbing the content is very thorough. I couldn’t say enough good things about Erika and the entire 5-PATH program. Thank you so much <3 I will tell everyone I know where to learn this wonderful craft.
— Misty Porter

I cannot recommend Erika and her team more highly.

Today, I am completing my Advanced Training with the Cascade Hypnosis Center and I cannot recommend Erika and her team more highly. I've completed many professional development trainings over the course of my career, and this team provides extraordinarily well-organized services that help clients and students go deeper and heal FASTER than any other. Thank you CHC for holding your fellow humans to their own highest standards, and doing so with kindness and professionalism!
— Katharine Smith

This class changed my life, no exaggeration!

Erika is amazing!!! She taught me so much valuable information! This class changed my life, no exaggeration! With what I have learned, not only do I now have the ability to help heal those in need as well as a continuation of my own healing and well being. I lovingly and emphatically recommend this class to anyone who has the desire to heal themselves and others. Thank you Erika!!! Tim the Director (of Admissions) is also equally as amazing! If it wasn't for him, this journey wouldn't have been possible! Thank you Tim!! I am forever grateful for you both <3
— Kim White

Erika's teaching empowered me...

From the beginning, this experience has been truly remarkable. Tim promptly addressed initial inquiries, followed by Erika taking time for a Zoom call. Both were patient and answered my questions. :) This 7 day packed class has equipped me for my hypnosis journey! Erika's teaching empowered me and today as I graduate, I am confident in my abilities and feel armed with both skills and confidence to become an outstanding hypnotist!
— Kimberly Mitchell

The class far exceeded my expectations.

I want to express my thanks to Erika and Tim for the fun, inspirational learning experience. I not only learned how to be a professional hypnotist, but I also learned how to process my own emotional issues. The class far exceeded my expectations. My life is forever changed. Now I can help others change their lives. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
— Scotty Russell

I feel I have received the best training available...

I feel I have received the best training available, provided by the best trainers available. CHC delivered a holistic approach to the entire 5-PATH AND 7th Path concept to include how to be successful after class. I felt welcomed from the moment I signed up and know I will have continued support until the end of my hypnosis days.
— Toney Raines

Erika is such an effective and generous instructor.

Erika is such an effective and generous instructor. I can think of just a few others over the course of my education who compare! The course content, daily schedule, ratio of lecture to practice, and supportive materials were perfect for the goal of producing professional hypnotists. Tim was excellent with the communication and tech throughout the entire process, in addition to supervising our practice sessions. Bravo!!
— Maria O'Rourke

...Insight given by Erika is priceless!!

Amazing! Packed with not only everything you need information-wise , but the insight given by Erika is priceless!!
— Eric Layden

My heart is full and I feel empowered.

Erika and Tim make for such an amazing team. I came in open-minded and the grace and joy they both brought to the classroom was truly magical. My heart is full and I feel empowered. Thank you both.
— Michael Tobias

...Fast and fun

Erika and Tim give a good course. Things are fast and fun. Support is ongoing and humane.
— Woodruff Boero

I’m happy and lucky to be part of this class.

I’m happy and lucky to be part of this class. I have learned lots of new things. Watching Erika teach the class was very inspiring. I want to have her knowledge and confidence. Having her hypnotize me in class did shift something inside. Tim is so warm and welcoming and helpful and supportive! Thank you to both of you!
— Sonja Bannon

This training is life-path changing

Erika (and Tim) are immensely effective trainers. These warm, welcoming, and highly (the highest) knowledgeable people are life-changing. This training is life-path changing. I cannot recommend this program enough. If you want to truly make a difference in people's lives everyday - become a 5-PATH Hypnotist and change your life and the life of others.
— Traci Ball

I have learned so much and can’t wait to share it with the world.

Erika is great - very informative and great at what she does. I would recommend this class to anyone who wants to grow. I have learned so much and can’t wait to share it with the world.
— Eliza Cespedes

Inspired confidence in myself that I didn't even know was there!

To put it in the very clearest terms I can think of: Erika Flint and Tim Freeman arereal-Life SUPERHEROES!! I have so much awe and respect for them both it is difficult to come up with any other way to put it. Not only are they out there serving their clients in amazing and inspiring ways, they are also able to teach normal everyday people like myself and my classmates the skills to be able to go out there and emulate them! They have taught me, instructed me, cared for me, and inspired confidence in myself that I didn't even know was there! This 5-PATH hypnosis course is absolutely life-changing, and with Erika and Tim’s consistent, heartfelt guidance, I feel ready and ABLE to go out there into the world and be a positive source for good in helping other people (clients) affect changes in their lives. Erika and Tim are like pebbles in the pond whose ripples keep expanding to touch the lives of so many other in only positive ways; and I feel so very honored to have received this training under their very capable and genuinely sincere tutelage, so I can be one of those ripples that will continue to touch the lives of other sith light and positivity! Hugs! Thank you so much!
— Michele Perry

...I am going to be a part of something magical for my upcoming clients.

Tim and Erika have been phenomenal from start to finish. Tim took the time to answer all questions and concerns during the setup, which made making this decision so easy for my life, my career and my own personal journey.
Erika - you are an amazing teacher. You captivate your class, pull us all in, make us want to help be a part of the world’s change with love for all concerned. It made me not only feel, but know, that I am going to be a part of something magical for my upcoming clients. I can not wait to take 5-PATH and 7th Path into the world. People deserve to not only feel happy, healthy, free, and clear, but also reach their mountaintop. Erika shows how much she cares by how she teaches class, answers questions, and makes sure we all can go from class to practice confidently. Thank you both for a beautiful experience.
— Crystal Jordan

I cannot say enough good things about the quality...

I cannot say enough good things about the quality of the Cascade Hypnosis Center's certification training, Erika is very present and thorough. Tim is very inviting and accommodating. The training site and materials were also high quality. I attended in-person and glad I did and also got valuable interaction with virtual attending students. Looking forward to the business implementation portion of the training and glad it is offered and included in order to maintain connection with the hypnosis community during my business implementation plan.
— Justin Bedford, BSME

This training experience was personally and professionally profound for me as a human.  Erika is an exceptionally gifted teacher with a huge heart, boundless energy, and and a deep well of knowledge about the beautiful work that hypnosis provides for people who have tried everything.  She taught us how to get the results that our clients have been longing for.

As a sexologist and sex/relationship coach who works with couples and individuals who want to connect intimately and authentically with themselves and with a partner, I can't wait to provide transformational 5-PATH hypnosis to my clients.  I know it will change their lives in so many significant ways.

Thank you for the fantastic experience.  5 stars.  Highly recommend. 

Jane Guyn, PhD

Transformational at a core level.

I have had breakthroughs in class that have been transformational at a core level. I have been guarded my entire life and always on "alert," but because of the work I have done in this class, I have found Freedom! Peace! and Joy! Thank you to Erika, Tim, and all the hypnotists who worked with us this week for providing a "safe" space to allow me to work on my issues, which in turn will allow me to be a better hypnotherapist and help people!.
— William M. Schuhlein, BS

The most valuable course of any type I have ever taken

Hands down (or up!), this is the most valuable course of any type I have ever taken. Not only have I gained the skills required to be a compassionate, competent hypnotist, this course allowed me to experience unexpected, significant personal breakthroughs on deep issues. Erika Flint, our teacher/mentor, is an amazing empathetic, focused, fearless practitioner who transmits her love of hypnosis and service with every word she speaks.
— Diana Shinn, BA, MS

This class was transformative in many ways.

What an experience! This class was transformative in many ways. I feel like I have a strong foundation to start my hypnosis practice upon, plenty of good resources to move forward with, and a community of professionals to consult with. More importantly though, I have developed a deeper connection with my inner voice, a clearer understanding of myself, and a deep sense of my purpose. Thank you Erika and Tim for hosting such a well organized, comprehensive course! I will never forget it.
— Allison McCormick

Passion and years of experience were clearly transmitted to class

I loved everything about the class. Erika and Tim were absolutely amazing. The passion, dedication and integrity is clear! I loved learning from Erika and felt well supported by Tim as an online student. I enjoyed the [case study videos]; those were extremely helpful to see the process and to watch…transformation happen right before our eyes!

It is clear that Erika and Tim are passionate about the benefits their clients obtain from Cascade Hypnosis. That passion and years of experience were clearly transmitted to class. Always having a focus on the client motivated me to learn and practice all week. Feedback was positive and immediate and allowed for continued improvement and confidence building. Time was spent on the critical skills and having the follow up support provides for quick entry into client acquisition. Erika is clearly a continuous learner, and Tim is the ultimate knowledgeable supporter. Thanks to you both.
— Chanelle Lobo, MSW, RSW

Fun and yet deep way of teaching that reaches down into your heart and up to your soul.

I can not express how amazing this class is! I came upon it in a time in my life when I had nothing beneath my feet. I had dumped my life and hit the road with my dog. When I had a moment to breathe, this course showed up! It spoke to me, I reached out, and signed up so fast! I have a lot of social anxiety, public speaking, etc… but this class was safe and secure. Erika is an amazing instructor with fun and yet deep way of teaching that reaches down into your heart and up to your soul with her canny guidance. She really cares, therefore we care. With Tim’s help, the class ran smoothly - very fluid, congruent. There were scary times, times of laughter. We all created an amazing bond, a family. I feel that I am leaving with amazing skills and understanding not only to help others, but to really help myself…what an amazing gift.
– Terri Miller

If you’re considering becoming a hypnotist, do this program!

The skills I learned in this course are going to transform my health coaching business. I can’t wait to share this with my clients and see them get the results they want faster and more effectively than ever. For me personally, the course was truly transformative. I had some mind-blowing insights and connected on a deep level with my classmates. I have no doubt we will all remain friends for years to come. Erika is a dynamic, heart-centered teacher. Her compassion, excitement and commitment to her clients and students just bursts out of her. So inspiring! Tim was more than support. His help before class began and his technical expertise during class helped things run so smoothly. More than that, I found his feedback during practice sessions invaluable. The 5-PATH program is so well put together to maximize client success with their issues. I couldn’t be more impressed. If you’re considering becoming a hypnotist, do this program! Erika brings it to life and supports you as you start practicing. So fabulous!
— Stephanie Petersen, MS, LMT

The class felt like I had found HOME!!!

I was pleasantly SURPRISED!! that the class was full of compassionate people. It was a very safe space to share insights and feelings - all of us cried at some point. Erika does a great job(!!) of being sincere and inviting as well as sprinkling a sense of humor in. Even when you feel unsure or clumsy, both Tim and Erika are nurturing and encourage you that you will get it. It helped me get personal insights on my relationships, but also the class felt like I had found HOME!!!.
— Chantil Benjamin

Feel I'm in the best of hands.

In short, the training was superb, Erika is a highly gifted teacher (one of the best in my experience), Tim made everything impeccable and seamless, my classmates were amazing, and I'm SO grateful to have stumbled upon this opportunity. For anyone considering signing up with Cascade, just check their reviews (which speak for themselves). IMO you can't go wrong. My journey has just begun as I'm doing the implementation portion as well and feel I'm in the best of hands. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!
— M. Marchant

I feel so full of knowledge

I’m not sure there are enough words in the universe to express how incredible Erika Flint is, Tim Freeman, and this whole program as a whole. I feel so full of knowledge and confident moving forward as a hypnotist. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for creating such a powerful and life-changing method to help others improve their life. I feel so much personal and professional growth, and I can’t wait to get started.
— Kelsey Staub, LCMHC, ATR-P, CH

The educational materials are extensive and thorough.

This course is for anyone who is interested in becoming a hypnotist in an immersion style environment. The educational materials are extensive and thorough. The class was comfortable and supportive. Erika and Tim are a wonderful team, demonstrating a close working relationship and respect for each other. They inspired with their dedication and genuine love of their profession.
— Camille Tillinghast

The hands on design was some of the best implementation I have seen

The design of the class pre-work was a good opportunity to get a lot of work done and be prepared for the hands on portion. The hands on design was was some of the best implementation I have seen in many years of professional training and continuing education. So often courses are just pay and get a certificate and as a practicing professional that makes me a skeptic. I am very impressed with the system, the technique, and the trainers - and most importantly the practice requirements.
— Chanelle Lobo, MSW, RSW

I’m so excited to share my ongoing knowledge out into our world

Thank you Erika and Tim for giving me an outstanding hypnosis training class. Your class expanded my brain 100x! :) I’m in need of a change in my life, and the universe sent me to your class to not only help me but many, many others! I’m so excited to share my ongoing knowledge out into our world in a positive healing energy practice. I look forward to our ongoing relationship in hypnosis and happiness! Thank you again - much love and hugs!
— Judy Lovelett

I am so full of information

Erika and Tim are phenomenal. They have been so supportive, encouraging, and kind. I am so full of information, and overwhelmed, but excited to go home and unpack it all. I am excited that we have the support when it is unpacked to be successful. I can’t recommend these two and this course enough. Thank you.
— Sally Galore

I learned about a wonderful way to help myself and others to begin to live our best lives!

​Erika Flint is a consummate professional, learned, and engaging! In this course, I learned about a wonderful way to help myself and others to begin to live our best lives! Thank you so much.
— Darlene Lerch, RN, MHP

I would rank the class 5 out of 5

Erika and Tim are awesome. Very organized. Very prompt. Responsive, upbeat, and knowledgeable. I would rank the class 5 out of 5, which is unusual for me. This class proved and validated the concept of and effort of hypnotism to me. I had several qualifying thoughts about whether hypnosis is real. In this class, Erika was patient and direct in answering my “brain” questions. Thank you.
— Aaron Mackley

Such a great course! Before the course I wasn't sure if I would be able to hypnotize clients and if I'm being honest I was even a little unsure it would work for me even though I have worked with a hypnotist before. Erika has great energy and quickly I realized in the course that this is the real deal! Erika and Tim are professional but also fun and relatable. They are extremely knowledgeable and explain the science behind hypnosis.  Now that I have graduated from their program I feel very confident about adding hypnosis to my coaching practice. Thanks Cascade!


Janet Williams, MD

I felt really supported throughout this training program

I felt really supported throughout this training program. The professional hypnotist instructor clearly embodies the work and effectively teaches both hypnotism and business building. I loved the focus on emotions, which are the most important piece of the puzzle. Other Hypnosis trainings I took did not take the time to map out basic emotions the way we need to. Erika is the reason I took this class as well, because I appreciate her big energy and professionalism. She knows what she's talking about. And I want to know what I'm talking about.
— Erin Traylor, BS

The work I got to do with practice partners made me a better person and hypnotist

Thank you for such a wonderful job and for the information on the 7th Path and 5-PATH rapid induction. The work I got to do with practice partners made me a better person and hypnotist. So thank you very much.
— Randy Thyfault

Erika will help get you there

I took the training with Erika and I have to say the big win for me is what goes on as soon as you graduate. Erika will hold your hand as much and for however long you want her to. Learning hypnosis is only half the battle. Now you need to apply that knowledge to actually go out and make the impact on the world that inspired this career path in the first place. Erika will help get you there. Being the change you want to see starts here.
— Dana Atwood


I absolutely enjoyed this training all the way to the end. Erika has a profound energy that is inviting and calming at the same time. Her genuine compassion explodes beautifully throughout this course, with wisdom of hypnosis. The education was very thought out and executed brilliantly. I enjoyed the 7th Path Self- Hypnosis component on a spiritual level that I chose to do. Bravo!
— Kylan R. Skinner LMT, BCTMB

This is a professional course led by an excellent instructor

I appreciated many things the Hypnosis Certification course offered including the comprehensive education provided by Erika on hypnosis and how the mind works. I found the course to be both intense and fascinating. Completing the certification and being able to immediately begin confidently working with clients is a huge benefit. You finish with the education/tools needed to set up your business, and connections with other experienced Hypnotists to collaborate with. This is a professional course led by an excellent instructor (with deep expertise) - thank you, Erika!
— Cheri Fogel

The process is deeply grounded in psychological principles

I came to this training with many questions about how effective hypnosis can be with psychotherapy clients, and I left absolutely convinced that for people with everyday challenges, the process is deeply grounded in psychological principles and that it will be fast, effective, and create truly long-term change for my clients. Erika is an inspired instructor with rich, deep knowledge and a heartfelt desire to help. I would recommend this program to anyone who is serious about hypnosis and who wants the very best training available.
— Sheila Wenger, M.Ed

I now feel ready to hit the ground running!

I have never been so engaged with learning something new, either online, or in person, as I have with the Cascade Hypnosis Center's presentation with learning the 5-PATH hypnosis course. Erika, Tim, and everyone at Cascade have been amazing, I have enjoyed these past 7 days immensely, the time has flown by. I now feel ready to hit the ground running!!!
— Leanne Hammond

So much attention is paid towards each student

If every life choice I have ever made led me to Cascade Hypnosis Center, then I am forever appreciate of my every right and left turn. Erika Flint’s comprehensive approach and contagious passion, all offered in a professional setting, levels up hypnosis on every level, and Tim beautifully stays in his flow as the two of them effectively implement the powerful curriculum. So much attention is paid towards each student with compassion and validation – this whole training will always be my beautiful springboard into my hypnosis career.
— Elizabeth (Liz) Landon, BA, M.Ed

I am feeling motivated, inspired, confident, creative and ready to rise

This course was comprehensive, holistic, advanced, and applicable. Pre-work completely built a foundation for success in person. In person content, practice, and study was integrated and implemented through practice sessions. The instructor was thorough, clear, and radiant with contagious enthusiasm. In completion of this professional course, I am feeling motivated, inspired, confident, creative and ready to rise into this facilitation of healing for all!
— Ali McWeeny, BS, MS

I would like to say that Erika Flint is, hands down, the most amazing instructor I’ve ever worked with. Her personal alignment, attention to detail and explaining nuanced material was simply amazing. I feel comfortable and confident moving to work with clients ASAP.

And a huge thank you to all our practice partners! You all are simply the BEST!

Kevin Emery

13/10 best ever

Very thoroughly and intricately taught! Erika was so engaging and an absolute delight to learn from. Amazing and comprehensive course. 13/10 best ever, consider my expectations exceeded.
— Stephanie Francioli

I am truly amazed

Erika is a really thorough instructor. I am truly amazed at how much we confidently achieved in seven days. It was a terrific experience.
— Marianne Brown, MST

I love you Cascade Hypnosis

This is hands down one of the most professional, exciting, and inspirational training courses I have ever taken. The amount of material we covered in just a week is super impressive... I do understand the practicality of the setup and the pre-course work still set me up for success. I love you Cascade Hypnosis.
— David Hutton, BA

This course trained me for a profession that far exceeded my expectations.

This course covers a large amount of information, but it is well formatted and progresses in a comprehensive way. Over the days in class skills build naturally with the integrated practice exercises, and confidence is achieved by the end of the course. Erika is extremely knowledgeable and imparts that knowledge in an engaging style that keeps the student focused. This course trained me for a profession that far exceeded my expectations.
— Melissa Canning

I’m seeing someone on Monday and I feel prepared.

So happy I took this course. I’m seeing someone on Monday and I feel prepared. It was especially helpful to have the practice sessions, and I would love to do more. I brought a concern I had to Erika and she handled it well. It really helped me to feel at ease for the rest of the course and attests to Erika doing personal work herself because many high performing authority figures do not always handle student concerns well.
— John Glinsman M.A.

Great experience, thank you!

Erika Flint was wonderful. The course material and instruction was easy to comprehend. Erika is really energetic and passionate about hypnosis. She really cares about teaching us and makes sure that all our questions get answered. The Cascade Hypnosis Center has a beautiful group of people that went above and beyond to help us in this amazing journey. Thank you all! Great experience, thank you!!!
— Karla Aguilera

Her encouragement is instrumental in my future career plans.

The training was well presented and well thought out. The pre-training work was so helpful for absorption of materials, allowing us to really focus on the intricacies of practice. Erika is an amazing instructor! She is concise and thoughtful, with compassion for our journey. Her encouragement is instrumental in my future career plans. Thank you.
— Yvonne Sands-Sako, BS, RN, MSN/FNP-C, CH

I am beyond excited to bring my new knowledge to the world!

This course was nothing short of mind blowing from the very first day! I felt uncertain that one week would be enough time, but Erika and Tim have skillfully designed and executed a program, practice, and resources that build knowledge, competence, and confidence. I am beyond excited to bring my new knowledge to the world!
— Mara Bowman

This is the Harvard of hypnosis courses

This course is extremely thorough and based on the other curriculums that I reviewed prior to enrolling, 5-PATH and 7 Path are the best in class. This is the Harvard of hypnosis courses. Erika Flint is an exceptional teacher, she clearly loves the work she does and showed up for each person in class purposefully. I would recommend this class and Erika to anyone aspiring to be a hypnotist. I am confident that I can and will be able to go from classroom to client.
— Faviana Campbell

This class was really insightful. I learned a lot about myself and a new skill to help people. It was powerful and emotional. I can’t wait to share what I learned with as many people as I can.

Rayann Su

I would recommend this school to anyone

I liked the structure of the class. We utilized our time very well. I liked the practice sessions. I also liked watching the videos of the live sessions. They were very helpful. I would recommend this school to anyone who is really serious about becoming a great hypnotist.
— Diane Reile, CH

The best instructors I’ve ever had

The Cascade Center and the entire staff was amazing! The material was informative and Erika was one of the best instructors I’ve ever had of all the different courses I’ve had over the many years of my professional time span. I’ve had hypnosis many times in my life, and learning 5-PATH & 7th Path has been the most impactful and I’m very excited to share it as a C.H. with my own clients.
— Sri Rome

This class exceeds my expectations by a mile!

I had no idea hypnosis could be this structured & purposeful. 5-PATH is incredible and Erika did an amazing job in teaching me to gain mastery over the material. I’m most excited to work in Phase III & IV with clients. I was blown away by case study videos. This class exceed my expectations by a mile!
— Sara Routt, MSW

Love and compassion made the time fly

Erika, Tim, and all the staff were amazing! The class was intense and packed with so much information, but Erika’s way of teaching, her love and compassion made the time fly. I learned so much and gained the confidence to start my own business. The location is very professional and all the tech was so well thought out that made the hybrid in person online training platform work well! The coffee and tea and healthy snacks and water made the training more comfortable so we could focus on what we were learning.
— Stephanie Juha, JD "

The best thing I have ever done for myself!

Amazing course. Erika, Tim, and team truly offer an experience rather than just training their knowledge. Program and support have made this the best thing I have ever done for myself! The environment they create is filled with love, compassion, and all-encompassing support!
— Cindy McCormack

I will continue to be supported throughout this wondrous adventure

This course was life changing. I was apprehensive when I was looking to get into hypnosis, but Cascade blew me away with how professional, kind, and attentive they were. It didn’t matter who I spoke with, either Erika or Tim, they both made me feel they were invested in my success. The way this class was taught, the information that was given far exceeded my expectations. I feel that I will continue to be supported throughout this wondrous adventure.
— Emily Nelson, JD "

Very helpful and affirming

Erika and Tim are great. Their way of explaining these processes helps you to easily absorb the material. The many practice sessions are very helpful and affirming. They guide you to make you feel competent. The business part is also important.
— Mary DeYon

I am going to be a great hypnotist

I really find it inspirational for myself and I think I am going to be a great hypnotist thanks to Erika. Tim was so organized and they know what they are doing. They are very professional. Erika is very insightful and knowledgeable. She knows what she is doing and she is a good teacher.
— Hilal Aktas, MS "

Erika is a wonderful instructor

Erika is a wonderful instructor and she really knows how to apply what she knows. When challenged with unique situations she always had a way to answer. I feel she can really give her students what they need to be successful.
— Chris Butler

Erika and Tim are incredible. This class has been so great on so many levels. It has set me up to be successful in this field and as a person. So many thanks to them, and all the staff that helped us along the way.

Barry Small

Real and lasting results for people

I have been very impressed with the caliber of teaching and level of support that has been provided by Erika and Tim with Cascade Hypnosis Center. All of the pre-work set up everything perfectly for the live portion of the course. I never felt rushed or like I couldn't ask questions. I have loved practicing 7th Path in addition to learning 5-PATH; it really deepens the learning. I am very grateful for this work and am feeling very proud to now have a method that will get real and lasting results for people.
— Veronica West

The Hypnosis program at Cascade has changed my life!

The Hypnosis program at Cascade has changed my life! I’ve learned so much about how to help people using hypnosis, gained deep personal insights, tremendous confidence, a new purpose and career, made friends and colleagues, and accomplished all this and more in just 2 weeks time! My deepest gratitude goes to Erika and Tim, for their loving guidance as I endeavor on my new journey.
— Debra Deschamps, RN, MS TCM

Literally mind blowing

Hypnosis Certification at Cascade Hypnosis Center is the professional level I was looking for. Ethical and literally mind blowing into a new hemisphere in my brain and Self. It does hold the cohesion of all of my elements of my Spiritual process with myself and others. I truly feel it and feel the transformation. Erika and Tim's work in this program and with clients has way exceeded my expectations! The support is phenomenal. The conversations with Tim getting in the program, to calming fears and overwhelm was and is fantastic. I felt a deep connection. People I feel are friends in a new and different way. Erika Flint, our Masterful Teacher and Tim Freeman another Master Mind! Thank you all for being part of my life!
— Joanne Marcoe

Energetic passion to inspire confidence

Erika teaches 5-PATH with expertise and uses her loving and energetic passion to inspire confidence in her students.
— Jessica Petter

The course was very valuable

The course was very valuable and the way Erika delivered the materials was the best. She is amazing. Tim is a great leader and amazing teacher, very patient with students. The whole Cascade team is doing great work for the community - great service.
— Sandeep Kaur

I am leaving feeling competent

I am leaving feeling competent due to the drilling. I loved the case studies Erika wove in, it made the stories real. Practice partners gave a lot of detailed feedback in the sessions which was really helpful.
— Jeanne DeBaets, RN

Great insights, scripts and case studies

Very thorough coverage of the materials with great insights, scripts and case studies. Erika really has the experience, techniques and words for this work - and Tim has such patience, attention and expertise. I feel ready to start this work too.
— Mary Hayes

Great overall course!

Erika is highly intelligent, energetic and passionate about hypnosis and the training. She was amazingly helpful, patient and loving toward the students. Tech-Guy Tim kept us connected and handled all the admin stuff - not easy. Both made the course pleasurable and educational. Best part for me was the show-me-how-to parts where I could get a feeling of what to do when I practice hypnosis. Great overall course!
— Byron L. Tatsch

A totally heart-mind-and-soul opening experience!

A totally heart-mind-and-soul opening experience! Coming out of the training, I not only feel renewed and whole myself, but I also feel like I've just gifted myself, my business and others, with a real game-changer for high engagement and results that matter most in life and servitude for a better world! The curriculum itself is comprehensive and the teaching style made it such fun to learn at the cellular level! I highly recommend Cascade Hypnosis Training!
— Maria R. Nebres

I had a great time during the course! The days were long but they were definitely jam packed with helpful information and lots of quick aha moments with Erika’s teaching style and Tim’s assistance, along with the other certified hypnotists joining during practice runs. It helped get a wide variety of feedback and I feel I got what I needed out of the course.

Rio Chanel

A very comprehensive course

Erika is very thorough and makes learning hypnosis fun. A very comprehensive course.
— Norine M. Barber

I really enjoyed the way this course was taught

I really enjoyed the way this course was taught. I was able to learn the material in the amount of time we had. The instructor was quick but thorough, at the same time and she did not mind repeating or clarifying anything.
— Anairis Gomez, M.A, MHC-LP

Erika was amazing

My instructor Erika was amazing, she explained the material flawlessly and answered all questions with such grace and dignity.
— Quatae Boone

The best part of this training is that as I am learning how to become an effective and ethical hypnotist

With great power comes great responsibility. The best part of this training is that as I am learning how to become an effective and ethical hypnotist, I am also experiencing transformation through the use of 7th Path Self Hypnosis and the behaviors modeled and demonstrated by Erika. That in itself is already enough but Erika, Tim and the guest mentors, who are also graduates of this program, went above and beyond in sharing their 5-PATH knowledge and expertise.I am connected to my highest goodness reminding to practice this profession responsibly.
— Charleston Perez, OTR/L

I encountered exactly what I was hoping to find, and beyond

Erika's practical approach to problem solving and reliance upon proven processes with repeatable results were the primary factors that prompted me to seek her instruction. Upon working with everyone at Cascade Hypnosis I encountered exactly what I was hoping to find, and beyond. I am truly impressed with Erika's process, her results, and her commitment to the truth. She is exactly who I hoped she would be and her instruction is unparalleled.
— Steven Easton

Wow! What an amazing, life-changing course!

Wow! What an amazing, life-changing course! I found the content to be extremely helpful in providing me with personal insight and valuable tools to help clients. I liked the structure in the delivery of content. The schedule each day was a nice blend of working in small groups, lecture, video, and time to work on 7th Path Self Hypnosis.
– Michelle Stratton, BSN, MS, AGNP-BC

You’ll be glad you chose Cascade Hypnosis!

The level of training, knowledge, information, and support ability that Erika brings to the class is staggering! I’ve taken so many Energy Therapy courses and nothing I’ve seen out there comes close to this course. Not only is this class extremely professional is nurturing, caring, and full of love. You’ll be glad you chose Cascade Hypnosis!
— Tessa Mason

This course was a transformational experience

Erika Flint is an enthralling, captivating, and incredibly talented instructor. She shows the utmost interest in her students and in her profession. This course was a transformational experience on a mental, emotional, and spiritual level. The ongoing support and confidence she instills in her work is most admirable. Erika's colleague, Tim, is helpful, resourceful, and caring. He is always prompt to help with any questions and ensures each student is fully prepared. I absolutely urge you to take this course if you are looking for the tools to start your own hypnosis practice.
— Jordyn Theeuwen

It was very inspiring to have past alumni come in

My class met all of my exceptions and beyond. My teacher Erika Flint was excellent and Tim Freeman was right there beside her helping all of us. It was very inspiring to have past alumni come in and give us heartfelt and constructive feedback. It was my pleasure to learn with all of the New Hypnotists. I love you all!! Thank you for giving me the tools to go out in this world to help as many people as I can.
— Lynn Kuhn

I am in love with the Cascade Team, so grateful for this work and for a new life path to unfold.

Serra Lynn Smick

With lots of interaction and practicing, I felt confident and excited

A lot to take in, but only because there is so much more with 5-PATH and 7th Path Self-Hypnosis and it’s mind blowing. With lots of interaction and practicing, I felt confident and excited to get started on my own business and look forward to future classes down the road to enhance what I've already learned.
— Barbara Deckert

Erika Flint delivers.

1. I wanted an instructor who is in the trenches doing all aspects of the hypnosis business, and even more than I may ever want to do in my career, so she can hold my hand and show me how to do it.
2. I wanted to learn a comparatively simple hypnosis system to learn to work with clients that boils everything down to basic, effective principles and not be overwhelmed by dozens and dozens of intricate techniques and scripts impossible to memorize. Erika Flint delivers.
— Troy Dailey

I highly recommend this to anyone

I loved Erika, her approach is straight & to the point. The structure of the class was amazing & the community factor was a nice bonus. It is an intense training that is both transformative & fun. I highly recommend this to anyone that is on the fence.
— Ashley Stanley

I am overwhelmed with gratitude and feel empowered to succeed

This course is an excellent balance of content, case studies, hands on practice and Q & A. Erika Flint is a phenomenal teacher who truly cares about her students and about making the world a better place. Positive reinforcement is constantly present from Erika and her team to help move students toward the end goal of being a successful, effective hypnotist. I am overwhelmed with gratitude and feel empowered to succeed as a result of the experience of being in this class. Thank you again.
— Bruce Langford

For the first time in over a decade I'm excited about a career in service to humanity.

Cascade Hypnosis changed my life. Reigniting a spark that was nearly snuffed completely out. Erika made me cry. Tears of Joy, relief, pride and inspiration. For the first time in over a decade I'm excited about a career in service to humanity. I know I can now help people create lasting change, to bring back that childlike innocence, joy and that Passion for life again.
— Marlena Marie, RN

I feel totally prepared to work with clients now!

Fantastic class, teacher was knowledgeable and skilled at presenting the material for the course. I feel totally prepared to work with clients now!!
— Louie Hallie, MSW

I expected this course to be enlightening, it turned out to be enlightening and completely life-transforming. Hypnosis is the healing modality I didn't know existed but have sought for the last twenty years, and I learned that from Erika Flint - an authentic, genuinely heart-led expert. 

The level of professionalism and preparedness that Erika and Tim bring is EXCEPTIONAL.  From my initial interview through every aspect of the course (including all course materials, the sessions themselves, the camaraderie that's fostered within the group and leaders...)  I couldn't help but be continually impressed. 

I was initially nervous about what 10 hours of class for many days would be like, but it was so smooth.  Erika places perfectly timed and spaced breaks to move the body throughout the day.  It wasn't overwhelming at all!  As it's coming to an end I'm deeply aware of the profound level of healing that was brought to our lovely group of humans and that we're well equipped now to go out and offer the same to those who need it in the world.  I could not be more grateful for this experience.  

Heidi Hazen

It was a welcoming and heartfelt environment all around

Erika is an outstanding teacher and you can tell she really puts her heart into this course and cares. The layout of the class was very organized and easy to follow, and her teaching style is perfect and makes the information really easy to absorb. It was a welcoming and heartfelt environment all around, and I really felt like we got to know everyone really well despite the training being virtual. Having Tim there to give feedback, answer questions, and handle all the behind the scenes was amazing and ensured that the training was run seamlessly. I got my money's worth out of this training and then some - it was a transformational experience!
— Amelia Bishop

I feel more than prepared to start helping clients

The certification course was so comprehensively thorough! There’s so much information to absorb and yet I’m pleasantly surprised that I feel more than prepared to start helping clients get amazing results in their lives right away. Erika is a wonderful teacher. Her wealth of experience, insight, and energy made this course even more impactful than expected. I’m so glad that I had the opportunity to learn from her and am looking forward to her continued mentorship!I HIGHLY recommend Erika and the 5-PATH certification course without any reservations.
— Amari Ice, MBA

A professional yet fun environment to learn the course.

Erika provided a professional yet fun environment to learn the course. Tim was always there to assist her and keeping all communications flowing free. A lot of info to take in but doing the repetitions over and over helped anchor it in my mind and heart.
— Crecha'Ann McLane

I feel blessed beyond words to have joined here

Oh my gosh, I could go on and on. The class was run perfectly for my learning style. I am amazed at how something so heart-oriented could be presented so professionally. I will model this, the way Erika presents her services, to the best of my ability. Tim is a life-saver. From the first email I received to schedule my interview with Erika, payments, follow up phone calls... I felt fully supported, secure, and clear about my decision. It felt like there was some mind-reading going on every time my note-taking ability felt lacking, and Tim's comments, notes, or forms would pop up in the chat. I feel blessed beyond words to have joined here with them and all of the past instructors that helped during practice sessions. I firmly believe now more than ever in my life that I am in the right place, at the right time. How the course was organized- intense and full of love, made this one of the best experiences hands-down I have ever had in all of my 36 years. The flow of the instruction was incredible. Erika has such a gift of balancing the materials/ coursework with the breaks, room to share our revelations/ insights/experiences, and encouragement of self-care and love that is so necessary for this type of work- the work that I know now without any doubt I have truly received the call to do. I felt supported every step of the way, and would encourage anyone interested in hypnosis training to take this course. This fully immersive connection is truly raising the profession, no question. Proud to be a 5-PATH-er! All my heart
— Emily K. Harris CPC-A

For the first time in over a decade I'm excited about a career in service to humanity.

This training has been such a phenomenal experience. Having previously gone to grad school for clinical psychology in a program that was 5 years long, I was blown away by the amount of incredibly helpful and powerful information we were able to learn over the course of two weeks that, undoubtedly, will bring about such a meaningful difference in people’s lives, unlike anything I’ve learned or encountered before. I had some uncertainty before beginning the program and wondered if I’d really feel confident going from classroom to client as a professional hypnotist after taking part in the training. That uncertainty quickly began to subside after the first day, and by the end of the first week, I, as well as my peers in the training, were already beginning to feel so much more confident, competent, and knowledgeable. I truly believe and feel that working with the subconscious mind to heal the limiting beliefs we’ve internalized about ourselves is the key to actualizing to our full potential as human beings. This training only reaffirmed that for me. I’m so excited to go out in the world and begin supporting people on their journeys to their best, fullest, happiest, and most authentic selves. Because of this training with Erika and Tim’s support, I’m confident that I can.
— Kameke Brown, B.A., M.A.

Fun, informative, and transformational

I knew nothing about hypnosis, but the transformations and helping people with such great results was extremely intriguing. After having great/informative/helpful conversations with Tim and Erika, I felt that I NEEDED this class. After finishing it, I can boldly say that I was right! Not only did this class help transform me internally, but it gave me the confidence to go out and help other people make even greater transformations. I lacked in confidence and was worried about starting a real business, but now I think I have everything I need to get started, and I know that I have the help of Tim and Erika to help me become not just a great hypnotist, but one of the best in the world. I don’t think I’ve ever had even half the amount of confidence in anything I’ve ever done. The class was fun, informative, and transformational. I am so excited to go out and help others. I could only hope that someday I can run a business so well and have such a great staff!
— Brittney Krier

One of the most meaningful experiences of my life

This was such a unique course. Not only did I learn more than I was expecting, but I also got to have one of the most meaningful experiences of my life. I am looking forward to sharing the same love with my community applying what I have learned in class. Thank you, Erika, for all the great and inspiring information provided in your course. What a fantastic instructor! Also, thank you, Tim, for all the tremendous support and thoughtful feedback you shared. I now feel ready to go out there and help some people.
— Cezar de Paula

There was just a good energy feel all around!

I loved the course, and Erika is very engaging, there was just a good energy feel all around! So much content was covered, and classes were intense, just gonna take a few days to let it all soak in but was a great experience overall! Just wanted to thank everyone so much for your hard work and dedication. It is truly inspiring and uplifting!
— Verushka Stoilov, CPht

I can't recommend this class enough

Erika Flint did a great job of covering the material and keeping the class on track. The course was intense, and had to keep moving to make sure all topics and techniques were covered. The in-class practice with partners was immersive and invaluable in building both skills and confidence in our abilities as hypnotists. I can't recommend this class enough for those serious about helping others with hypnosis.
— Terry Dunga

With a very recent interest in hypnosis, I researched several programs. After hours of inquiry I determined that Cascade Hypnosis offered the most professional, thorough, and heart centered program available.

Rex Coryell B.A., M.A., Program Graduate

Erika and Tim. They are totally awesome!

Erika and Tim. They are totally awesome!
— Tina L. Zimmer, B.A.

Best professional class I've taken

Best professional class I've taken yet, and I've taken a lot of them.
— John Utter BA

So positive and open

Erika and Tim are truly amazing! And the classmates were so positive and open.
— Britta Rosenkilde

So much love and respect

It was absolutely amazing!!! The way the class was taught and the interaction helped to solidify the information. Erika and Tim are amazingly heart-centered and they treated us with so much love and respect that it helped us be vulnerable and learn even more. They are such an excellent example of truly being in service to our clients!
— Robin Mazur

Life-changing, life-affirming experience

Wow. This course was a life-changing, life-affirming experience. I cannot imagine taking this journey with any other captain. Erika (and Tim) really exemplified what it means to run a heart-centered business, and it made all the difference for me. I put all my trust and energy into the past two weeks and I feel it was returned to me tenfold. I am just so extremely satisfied with everything I’m coming out of this course with and would truly recommend it to anyone and everyone wanting to learn hypnosis!
— Kira Campbell

The virtual classroom ended up being quite enjoyable

Erika is a fantastic teacher, full of sincere love for her students to achieve and be successful. She is expressive and dynamic, and anyone can tell that she truly enjoys teaching and working with her hypnosis clients. The virtual classroom ended up being quite enjoyable. I was really looking forward to the live experience, but having this online experience I’m sure will affect my decision to offer online services now! The course itself was well planned and I appreciate the benefits of repetition. The structure helped me to feel quite secure of my induction delivery by the end of the course. There is a lot of information to digest, but I’m grateful to know there is much to fall back on in our manuals and with products offered. I’m ready to go!!!
— Valerie Doerrfeld

Erika did an excellent job presenting the 5 PATH and 7th Path Hypnosis. She created a safe and loving environment for learning and growing. The entire class was top-notch from start to finish. Tim was also an incredible support not only on the technical side, but as support for all of the students. Thank you!

Jana Dean Program Graduate

Erika and Tim were both phenomenal

The course was well organized and planned out for optimal learning. Erika and Tim were both phenomenal! I’m very glad that there will be an opportunity to connect in person with our class and instructors, as there is a lot of value in time spent together interacting. It was very valuable to have grades sit in and observe practice sessions!
— Sue Edwards

Online had added benefits

On first impression of doing this class online, I was very nervous about not getting what I would need to be an effective hypnotist. Within two days I was convinced that online had added benefits. Erika and Tim were very effective teachers with bigger than gold presence. Everything was covered as if we were in the office physically. I looked forward to being online with them and the whole class.I am excited that I also know how to do hypnosis online now. What an exciting time and Erika has been very exciting to learn from. She and Tim also really know how to spark a fire for success in me. I love it. 5-PATH and 7th Path are amazing for my own growth and for my wellness business. I can hardly wait to start sharing this new skill starting tomorrow. Thank you SO MUCH!
— Elizabeth Harper-Schurman, B.S.

I would definitely encourage people to sign up

This class was awesome! I would definitely encourage people to sign up. There is so much to learn about yourself and others through hypnosis. A definite way to improve your life and let go of anything holding you back from a better one! As teachers, you have scored A++++! So proud to be one of your students!
— Nancy Moudy

More praise for our hypnosis training program

I feel this training gave me everything I need to become an excellent hypnotist. I am beyond excited to get out into the world and share the knowledge and techniques. I am looking forward to continuously learning more and becoming the best I can be, for the greatest good of all. I am grateful for my instructor and the whole experience.

-Henrietta Simonis


This course was beyond what I expected. The material and the instruction matched my experience in a grad school. In fact, the instructor, Erika Flint, surpassed my expectations. As a former “talk therapist,” I am so excited to now be trained to conduct sessions that get to the deeper issues more quickly and with excellent results. I’ve learned a different way to look at feelings and their causes, and how to help clients better understand themselves. I appreciate the criteria based Phases of Hypnosis and how the material was presented.

-Melinda Turner


I’ve been using hypnosis for years helping people with various problems. Five Path Hypnosis is much more than I expected. It not just a program teaching hypnosis, it’s a true system on how to help people from start to finish. Erika dose an amazing job of presenting both the 5 Path Hypnosis System and 7th Path self hypnosis. I would highly recommend this class to anyone who wants to learn hypnosis or for those who are already practicing it and want to become even more proficient

-Stan Zatorski


Erika is so passionate about how she wants to help others and help us help others through hypnosis. Erika demonstrates her thorough knowledge of hypnosis with efficiency, compassion, and humor. We couldn’t have asked for a better instructor!!!

-Tammra Sterling


This course was great and extremely informative. The incremental information exchange was perfect. Erika was an excellent instructor - clear and energetic. She encouraged questions and gave plenty of positive feedback. I appreciate that the information in this class is transformative on a personal and professional level. I’m leaving with more tools to help myself and to help others.

-Michael O’Connor


Absolutely an excellent class and experience. I feel very confident now and feel able to start in hypnosis and hypnotherapy successfully very soon!

Erika is extremely capable and knowledgeable in all aspects of hypnotherapy! She is able to effectively transfer the necessary knowledge and practical skills needed by a professional hypnotherapist in their business.

-Robert Hoffmaster


This course was very informative and insightful. I loved learning how to do hypnosis and how to best serve my clients. I also loved learning 7th Path. I had many realizations and look forward to more as I continue to practice. Erika was a great teacher and we were offered the information many times in different formats. She has an awesome support team as well.”

-Lorann Glidewell


This course far exceeded my expectations. I was very impressed with the amount of information I was taught and the way in which it was delivered. I am so glad that this course stretched me far beyond where I thought I could go. I feel equipped. I do feel like an expert of hypnosis. I felt like it was worth every penny. Erika and her staff… THE BEST!!! Kind, considerate, compassionate, and professional. LOVE. 

-Christine Clift LMT


Erika has been a very dynamic, fun instructor. The class has been extremely informative and I've gained a lot of knowledge and insight. The course is very thought out and organized. The material is presented at a professional level. I feel I am leaving this class with the knowledge and confidence needed to start a successful career as a hypnotist.”

-Billie Jean Foster


Erika is the most amazing, genuine, and knowledgeable instructor. I’ve truly enjoyed this course, her staff, and the workings of Cascade Hypnosis Center. I believe I can achieve my goals because of the instruction I have received. The content of this course is relevant, current, interesting, and phenomenal. I would recommend this course very highly and confidently. Thank you Cascade Hypnosis Center, you are truly impressive, caring, and dedicated!”

-Carol Ann Evans RN, ND


The content of the course has been covered very well and a lot of extra information was given to us by Erika, based on her experience with clients. The structure of the program really helped me learn and master both the theory and practice. The energy in the class and all the sharing we were encouraged to do added a lot of value to our learning. I consider this more than a certification course, it felt like a spiritual experience and journey. Thanks Erika!

-Veronica Bovenzi, PhD

“This has been a course for my transformation. Well worth the time and the cost. It definitely put me outside of my comfort zone, but that is where I can operate at a very high level. I can’t wait to see clients and help them live better lives. Help clients achieve their dreams.”

-Charles Cohen, MBA, CFP, RICP


The course was put together in a very informative way. It kept moving in a way that held my attention. The material was presented in a variety of ways helping solidify the ideas, techniques, and information. It’s a lot crammed into an amazing two weeks. I’m looking forward to learning and growing further through the mentorship program. Thank you Erika!! :)”

-Tracy Island



The class was transformative!

So much information so well presented!

The instructor (Erika) was a wealth of information beyond what was presented in the books. Absolutely fantastic! The support staff and other hypnotists were so great, so helpful!

Extremely comprehensive!”

-Deane Benninghoven


Hard to put into words what a transformational, life-changing class this was.

Erika Flint is brilliant, kind, compassionate, and a gifted teacher. Her staff are great facilitators and made everything flow smoothly everyday.

This was my second certification class for hypnosis - first was RTT. 5-PATH made me feel like I really get it now and can move my clients through the whole process without fear of leaving things hanging.”

-Susann Martin, MA


This course exceeded my expectations. Erika and support staff were super professional and the material was very comprehensive and easy to understand.

Erika answered all our questions and she is very wise.

I’m completely satisfied, excited, and motivated. Erika was always making sure we understood everything and kept our energy up, motivating us. The ambience is very pleasurable.”

-Melina Costa de Souza


This class was outstanding. Erika insightful, informative, and gives direct suggestions throughout the class. I was specifically drawn to Erika because of her obvious business savvy. I loved that the patter was given. As a veterinarian, it is clear that we come into our own as professionals with great patter.

Erika is a gem! Her staff members were amazing assets, facilitating and guiding us as well.

Erika’s loving energy exemplifies the qualities of a caring hypnotist and shows us the way with positive supportive suggestions.

Thank you Cal - you are clearly a genius!”

-Michelle Zachry, DVM


The course was amazing. I felt nurtured and healed in balance with being prepared for my new business venture.

Erika is a consummate professional as a teacher and as a hypnotherapist. The staff was also stellar support: so encouraging, so kind, and so approachable.

-Catherine Witt, BA


Erika was an amazing teacher. The class was highly professional. The content of the class was very detailed. The staff was organized, and everything went smoothly.

Erika answered everyone’s questions and demo’ed the techniques very well.

I finished the class feeling confident in my new hypnosis skills for my future business.

From Blooming Lotus Hypnosis, thank you.

-Judge Williams


"This class is hands down the best class I’ve ever taken!

In the last 10 years, I’ve been blessed with so many teachers, and everyone at Cascade exceeded my expectations.

I feel I have all the tools necessary to be successful.”

- Cyndal Wallace

Train With Us

Become a professional hypnotist with a thriving business with our complete training and certification course.

Erika and her staff created a very welcoming and comfortable atmosphere for learning. The class was fun and each topic was covered thoroughly, leaning room for any and all questions to be answered. The schedule was consistent and easy to follow.

All of our needs were met for the long days attending class. The assistants, Annie and Shannon, helped with their tips, ensuring we were getting the mechanics and techniques correct with Erika’s supervision.

Erika is a pleasure to learn from and I enjoyed the class very much.

-Nancy Shelton


Exceeded my expectations - wow - absolutely life-changing.

Can’t wait to get out there and help people change their lives!

Erika was great - very procedural and professional - very thorough class! The staff is the BEST!

Thanks Cal!

-Cristin Reynolds


"I came into this class afraid and full of misconceptions about hypnosis. Erika graciously included me on her email for the new book, Can You Be a Hypnotist? My misconceptions faded away but my fear still remained. This fear reared up the first few days in class when I sat in the “big chair” for the first time.

Erika’s professionalism and compassion gave me the belief that I could be hypnotized and be safe. That moment changed me forever and helped me to be compassionate towards others who may also have fear with hypnosis.

Thank you Erika!”

Jacqueline “Jax” Mantikoski


This course has been a powerful learning experience, full of insight and material that will benefit my practice and my life.

Erika has been such an amazing and wise instructor who has taught me so much in such a remarkably short amount of time. Everyone in my class is helpful, open, and has been a vital part of this learning experience.

The power of hypnosis has many uses that can benefit anyone, which is precisely what I am prepared to share with the world!

-Cory Hill


I was really nervous on the first day and was not sure if I could make it to the last day. As the days go by, thanks to 7th Path Self Hypnosis, I was getting more confidence for myself, and got lots of insights and perceptions that I never had before.

It was surely a life-changing, intensive hypnosis training course for me. Thank you so much for such a fantastic course, Erika!! I can’t wait to start my career as a hypnotist.

-Satoko Erling


This course was amazing. I have been a teacher for many years and a professional developer for faculty and an instructional designer for 5 years. I learned so much so quickly and it was because of the course design – the high quality instruction – the amazing learning environment. I did not think I could do this but I WANTED to, and Erika showed me! I can now do all kinds of inductions and deepeners and provide SUCH high quality experiences for my clients. I am SO glad I got to do this with Erika!

I wish I had better words to describe how fantastic this learning experience was – both for my work life, personal life, and this new career!

Great learning environment. Careful, recursive, scaffolded course design. Perfect balance of high challenge, high support. Great teacher persona and care – created confidence and sense of belonging for each of us and for the group. Exceptional quality and worth every penny. I am so grateful for the mentorship.

-Jennifer Whetham, MA, MFA



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