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Hypnotherapy Training Questions and Answers

Your questions about hypnotism, hypnosis certification, and how to become a professional hypnotist, answered by Erika Flint, BA, BCH, A+CPHI, OB

Hypnosis Career Questions

What does a hypnotherapist do?

On a typical day in the life of a hypnotist, the hypnotist will see between 3-6 clients. These clients are struggling with common, everyday issues like wanting to lose weight, stop smoking, sleep better, reduce anxiety, or reduce the sensation of pain.

During the course of a hypnosis session with a client, a hypnotist will learn the outcomes and goals of the client, and what they've tried in the past to solve their issue. They will come up with a plan to help the client achieve their desired results, followed by hypnosis with the client.

A hypnotherapist will typically schedule 4-6 sessions with a client to make sure the client is 100% successful not only with the change they want to make but also integrating the change into their life so it is sustainable.

A hypnotherapist helps clients become aware of any limiting beliefs and emotions that are keeping the client from being successful and eliminate them. A hypnotherapist also helps a client reprogram their automatic and autonomic responses to situations. For example, instead of responding with anger or fear, hypnosis can help clients remain calm and respond thoughtfully.


What's the difference between a hypnotist and a hypnotherapist?

At Cascade Hypnosis Training, we use the terms interchangeably because it’s common that both terms are used to mean the same thing. While some people think of “hypnotist” as a stage hypnotist, that perception is changing. In some states (including Texas and New York) “therapist” is a protected word, so many hypnotherapists must only refer to themselves as hypnotists.


What are the steps to building a successful hypnotherapy business?

Here are the basic steps to building your successful hypnotherapy practice:

Step 1: Have a strong desire to help others with enough courage to assist clients with the most difficult situations of their lives.

Step 2: Get the best hypnosis training possible

Step 3: Plan on spending a little bit of money to get started. Hypnosis is primarily an entrepreneurial profession.

Step 4: Create a professional and easy-to-navigate website

Step 5: Leverage free marketing tools and services like Google

Step 6: Spread the word! Talk about what you do

Step 7: Join professional hypnosis organizations

Step 8: Continue your education while learning from clients

Step 9: Collaborate with colleagues

Step 10: Advertise your services


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What qualities make a successful hypnotherapist?

Becoming a successful hypnotherapist requires dedication to your practice, a passion for the work, and, most importantly, a love for helping people. Being a hypnotherapist is not easy work. We’re helping people with some of the biggest challenges of their life. Success requires a strong personal foundation, conviction, integrity, and, most of all, compassion. 

Is a hypnotherapist a doctor?

No, a hypnotherapist is not a doctor (although a doctor could become a hypnotherapist). 

Do hypnotherapists make good money?

Yes, hypnotists can make good money. And they're also small business owners - so it depends on how much they want to work. Some hypnotists want to work 3 days a week and have a relaxed lifestyle and good income. Others want to work full-time, see more clients, and can easily make a six-figure income in their first few years of business.

How much money can you make as a hypnotherapist? 

Hypnotists are entrepreneurs, and as such they get to set their own business hours and work schedule. So this really depends on how much a hypnotist wants to work and how many clients they want to see in a week or month. A hypnotist can earn anywhere from $100-$500 per session of hypnosis. Many hypnotists earn a six-figure income within their first few years of practice, working full time.

Hypnosis License and Certification Questions

Most states in the U.S. have little to no direct regulation over the practice of hypnotherapy, but laws vary from state-to-state. For example, Colorado, Connecticut, and Washington require mandatory licensure or registration.

For more details on regulations for becoming a hypnotherapist in your state, review the state laws on the Hypnotherapists Union website:

A certified hypnotherapist is a person who has a certification from a professional hypnosis organization that offers certification - for example, the National Guild of Hypnotists.

Becoming certified in hypnotherapy is important for a few reasons. First, it demonstrates a commitment to the profession of hypnosis. If you want to be a professional, you should become certified with a professional organization like the National Guild of Hypnotists.

Second, some states will require that you have some type of training or certification. If you merely want to use hypnosis with friends and for fun, you don't need to be certified. If you want to exchange money for hypnosis and run a business and have a hypnotherapy practice, you should certainly earn your hypnotherapy certification from a well-respected hypnosis professional organization.

Some schools offer to train you in 48 hours. It’s not possible to learn what you need to understand to be a good hypnotist in that amount of time. On the other hand, you also don’t need hundreds of hours training to be a highly effective hypnotist. Our training program lasts two weeks.

Some of the BEST hypnosis training you’ll get is in your hypnosis office from your clients. My advice is to get good training as a foundation, start seeing clients, and then continue learning from them.

Take a training course that is certified by a professional hypnosis organization, like the National Guild of Hypnotists:

Training Program Questions

Look for a school that offers a minimum of 100 hours of in-person training, and one that has a great reputation from graduates in preparing them for a career in professional hypnotherapy. You want a school that teaches the business of being a hypnotist - not just the hypnotherapy skills.

There are schools of hypnotherapy that are not focused on professional hypnosis - they are focused on using hypnosis as a hobby and don't teach you how to grow a hypnosis practice. Those schools are fine for the curious mind. However, if you want to become a professional hypnotist and exchange money for hypnosis services, it's really important that the school also teaches the business of running a hypnotherapy practice, including how to structure hypnosis session packages, how to ensure clients are successful, how to bring in a steady stream of new clients every month, and how to deliver successful hypnotherapy sessions consistently.

Most states in the U.S. have little to no direct regulation over the practice of hypnotherapy, but laws vary from state-to-state. For example, Colorado, Connecticut, and Washington require mandatory licensure or registration. 

For more details on regulations for becoming a hypnotherapist in your state, review the state laws on the Hypnotherapists Union website:

Hypnosis is a skill and an art form. This is why so many hypnotists love their job - it is not merely a set of techniques you can memorize, but a craft. To do great work with clients, you must build rapport and connect with them. Doing that takes practice. You must know how to induce hypnosis and know that your client is hypnotized. You must know how to test for hypnotic depth and have practice at learning these techniques. It is far easier to gain these skills while being supervised by a trained, experienced professional.

I don't ever recommend putting dreams on hold. Start your hypnotherapy training immediately - as soon as your heart is inspired. As soon as you feel the pull.

Become a Hypnotist

Start building the hypnosis practice of your dreams - whether you want to earn $1k-$5k per month part-time, or build a six-figure career.

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