Your Personal Brand - An Exercise in Values to Grow Your Business
Your Personal Brand.
Beyond your hypnotherapy training, where your top priorities were learning how to hypnotize with the most effective hypnosis techniques, you may find that you need an anchor or some guiding principles for starting your new business as a professional hypnotist. You’ve likely heard of “branding” before – but the concept of a personal brand for most can be elusive at best. This article will help you craft your personal brand in about 10 minutes. With your personal brand you will be able to:
Make decisions faster.
Have clarity on short and long term business goals.
Feel good about yourself and your business.
Get better results for your clients.
Prioritize tasks and projects to save you time.
Personal Brand Exercise
Read through Step 1 below first, then set the timer for 10 minutes. When the timer goes off, you’re done. You have your personal brand!
Step 1: Get Ready
Here are the steps to get ready for this exercise:
Grab something to write with – pen and paper, or computer.
Grab your computer or phone with access to the internet.
Get into a quiet location where you can be undisturbed for 10 minutes.
Now, set a timer for 10 minutes.
Step 2: Prepare Your Heart & Mind
This is a short self-hypnosis technique to prepare your heart and mind for the values exercise to unlock your personal brand. This should be completed in 1 minute.
Take in a deep breath, and exhale slowly as you read the words below.
Imagine having so much clarity on your life and business that decisions are easy. Breathe again.
You are accomplishing your goals weekly and your business is accelerating. Take another breath.
You feel great about your work and your business. You are grateful and fulfilled. Another nice and deep breath.
Your clients are having even faster and improved results – you are modeling clarity and focus for them. You smile as you take in another deep breath and exhale slowly.
You have clarity on priorities and what to do next, making your work flow seamlessly. One more deep and cleansing breath. Continue below.
Step 3: Understand Your Core Values
Open up an internet browser and search for “list of values”. Don’t worry about having to find the perfect list - this is just the beginning of you crafting your personal brand. Or you can refer to a list here.
Step 4: Rank Your Core Values
Write down your top 10 core values. There will be more than 10 that you like – don’t get discouraged. This is about listing your top values so you can use them to crystallize your life, your business, and create coherence in all that you do.
Now, select your top 5.
Now select your top 3. I know this is not easy, but it’s important; and it makes you a unique gift to the world, so take a moment and carefully consider this list of your core values.
Write your top 3 values down.
Your Top 3 Values ARE Your Personal Brand
Your core values become your personal brand. They help you craft content for your website, they help you speak with clients. They become who you represent to the world as who you are.
For each core value, write a few sentences on why it’s important to you next to it, here’s an example of mine below:
Core Values
Compassion – deep and meaningful love and care for all beings. Desire to be of service and to help all others experience love, peace, and happiness to their greatest abilities which is always beyond what they think they can do or achieve.
Optimization - belief in the value of always improving. There are no mistakes, only opportunities to learn and grow. A growth mindset. Knowing that as we improve, we gain momentum in an upward spiraling fashion to self-actualization - then beyond.
Transcendence – experience beyond the physical level. Belief in something more than what we can see and feel. The desire to create sublime, optimal experiences. Belief that such experiences are the optimal method for transformation and coherence with all that is, or God. Belief that Hypnosis is one of the best ways - if not the absolute best way - to achieve this state, and that 5-PATH and 7th Path in particular facilitate these types of experiences in a systematic, repeatable way.
Step 5: Become Your Values
Once you have your values, start living them in all you do. Print them out. Write them down.
Speak from your values, write about them, become them. Notice how you learn more about yourself. You will change.
Some will call this spiritual growth. I call it inevitable - you returning to yourself.
The greatest gift you can offer the world is to be who you truly are; and in that, you are the best hypnotist you can be. You model success for your clients in a way that truly speaks to their hearts – not only in words but in values and action.

Majeed Mogharreban (blue jacket + glasses) next to me with other coaches and mentors of mine! From left to Right : Robin Thompson (marketing expert), Pam Prior (my CFO), Majeed Mogharreban (expert speaker coach), Erika Flint (me), Angela Lauria (my publisher / mentor), and Karen Stultz (my COO).
Thank You To My Expert Speaking Coach Majeed Mogharreban!
This article and technique were inspired by my speaking coach and all-around great human Majeed Mogharreban! It is what I consider an outcome of exceptional co-creation. Majeed and I work closely together - and I get great ideas from all of my coaches and mentors (see many of them in the image above)! This article started from a post from Majeed, and I added to it and originally published the article in the 5-PATH Journal. Co-creation - where the best ideas come to life!