Professional Hypnotist Truth #10 - Any Perceived Issues In Your Business Are A Reflection Of A Deeper Internal Issue
Content from “Can You Be A Hypnotist?” by Erika Flint
Any perceived issues in your practice is a reflection of your own personal struggle and you must work internally on your own issues using hypnosis and self-hypnosis to resolve them in yourself first before they can be resolved in your practice.

“No one has signed up for my class yet,” John reported on a weekly call in my mentorship program, “and I don’t know why.”
I reviewed the website first - I will always look at my hypnotist’s material to see if I can “spot” anything they’ve overlooked – doing the due diligence.
I reviewed his website, and his email. I didn’t see anything noticeably wrong.
I asked John if he wanted to work with me on this now, during the mentorship call, using hypnosis and he said yes.
“John, imagine that someone just signed up for your class and you see the registration email come in, how does that feel?”
“I’m nervous,” he started with, “now I really have to do a great job teaching this class, and what if I don’t get it right?”
That is what I was looking for with John. He had an internal reason to not sell the class. And in some way, he was blocking it, yet he wasn’t consciously aware of it.

“John, let’s resolve this issue with feeling nervous about it first. A little nervousness is good – it makes us want to do a good job, too much blocks us from being successful.”
“Focus on that feeling of being nervous, it’s connected to every other time in your entire life you’ve ever felt that way, now follow it back to an earlier time.”
John reports that he is in school. (He’s revivifying an experience using Age Regression while in hypnosis, and it’s a powerful way to help our client release erroneous beliefs and emotions.)
He’s in front of the class giving a report. He’s in third grade with Mrs. Simpson. He makes a mistake – and the entire class laughs, including the teacher.
In this state, it’s easy to help John release these old feelings of fear, and anger, and with hypnosis that’s exactly what happened.
In the end, John realized his mistake was kind of funny – yet the teacher and students shouldn’t have laughed like they did.
He realized that having that experience made him who he is today – compassionate, and never wanting to make others feel bad. He doesn’t want to make fun at another’s expense.
“John, bring your attention back to that old feeling you were having about your class, the feeling about being nervous. How does it feel now?”
“It’s gone,” he stated after a moment of reflection. “I feel so much better now.”

“Good, now imagine a new order comes in for your class, how do you feel now?”
“Excited!! I can see myself in front of the class teaching it. I see the looks on the faces of my students getting relief. It’s a great class, and I’m proud of myself. I get a few new clients out of it too!”
Later that day, John reported having two people sign up for his class.
He had fixed his own feelings regarding the class, and after our call, went online and shared an online post about his class. The content in his post reflected how excited he was about the class, and it resonated with potential students, and they signed up.
The question to ask yourself when something isn’t working, is one or both the following:
If there was anything good about this thing not working the way you want, what would it be? This can get at any underlying secondary reasons for it to fail.
Imagine that it’s working, how do you feel?
Both of these questions work well on their own; however, in a state of hypnosis, their impact is amplified because it helps us to recognize the underlying reasons we may be blocking our own success.
We want to remove any resistance to being successful.