Professional Hypnotist Truth #8 - Hypnosis Is Different, And You Can Expect Different Results
Content from “Can You Be A Hypnotist?” by Erika Flint
Hypnosis is different, and you can expect different results.

Hypnosis is magic. Because it offers us solutions that we don’t quite understand yet. Over time, you’ll be able to look back with hindsight and realize – it wasn’t really magic. It just seemed so at the time. Magic is just something we don’t quite yet understand.
I want you to have seemingly magical experiences in hypnosis. This is how my courses are designed, for you to have a personal experience in hypnosis – maybe magical, that shifts how you think and feel. That proves to you that hypnosis reveals the issue, even if it’s something you’ve been struggling with for a long time. And after revealing the issue, it shifts how you think and feel about that issue, and you feel better. You’re able to shift behavior, and your automatic response is thoughtful, happy, and peaceful. You’re no longer overwhelmed with negative thoughts or anxiety.
Experiencing the transformative power of hypnosis on a personal level is so vital to becoming an exceptional hypnotist that it warrants its own Professional Hypnotist Truths, shared throughout this chapter.
Jaime was fifty-six years old when she arrived for her fourth day of hypnosis training. Her age doesn’t matter, except she’s been upset with her mother for mistreating her since she was eight years old.
That’s forty-eight years of anger. And she tried everything to fix it.
She’s a forgiving and spiritual woman by nature. A healer by nature. She wanted to become a hypnotist to add to the work she does every day as a massage therapist.
Yet, everything she had tried up to that point had not resolved this anger with her mother.
During class, something brought up old feelings of anger and frustration, and Jaime felt those old feelings all over again.
I could tell she was upset, and asked her if she wanted to keep those feelings, or be rid of them?
I want them gone forever, she reported.
I asked her to focus on the feeling in her body, and as she did the feeling grew stronger.
She was already in a state of hypnosis, as she became more emotional and in the present moment.

Using Age Regression, I asked her to follow back her feeling to an earlier time she felt the same way, and she followed it back to an experience with her mother and her brother.
And throughout this experience, Jaime reported having insight about her mother that up to that point, she didn’t realize was happening.
“I realize now, that the reason my mother always gave my brother the extra support and not me, is that I didn’t need it. I really didn’t. Her not helping me made me stronger and more independent. My brother did need extra help. He still needs extra help.”
And with additional insight into how that concept unfolded over the course of her whole life and grew into an overwhelming sense of feeling not good enough, paired with significant unfairness and lack of understanding, she transformed her feelings of anger to wisdom and compassion.
Compassion for her mother and her brother.
Her brother had a physical disability and a learning disability. He needed more help.
Her mother could have made better choices. She could have communicated with Jaime why she always seemed to choose her brother over her. She could have told her it was because she was smart and capable. Yet her mother also struggled and did the best she could with what she had.
Wisdom to realize how all that anger and frustration had never helped her. She realized that having that experience there in class was exactly the kind of personal experience with hypnosis she needed in order to become an exceptional hypnotist herself.
Jaime became a true believer in hypnosis that day. And it’s made all the difference.
Later, she reported how transcending a feeling of anger that had been with her for over forty years was instrumental in her understanding how to help her clients with similar issues.
“I knew everything that came up in hypnosis. But hypnosis gave me the clarity to understand how it was impacting me, and how to transform it into something useful. This experience I can share with clients to help them understand the power of hypnosis.”