You're Not Selling Hypnosis, You're Selling Results!
A hypnotist sent me this email recently about how to get clients and I think it's worth sharing as a reminder on how to help our potential clients. It's similar to a Journal of Hypnotism article I recently wrote, so check the September 2019 Journal of Hypnotism for more details.
“We aren’t selling hypnosis ; we’re offering better sleep, more energy, happiness, relief from their habits, stress, and pain. We’re offering them an upgraded version of themselves. The best investment anyone can ever make is in themselves. A new life is what we are offering. ”
Hi Erika
I wonder if you can help me. I have had a few hypnotherapy interested potential clients. I talk with them but unable to hook line and sink them to commit to a 30 min FREE consultation.
Is there anything you say that gets them to schedule on a phone call? Do you talk to them personally or does someone in your office answer and schedule for you?
How do I get them to come in ?
I wouldn't call it "hook, line, and sink" that makes it seem like you're selling them something that they don't want or using tricks to get them to work with you. So, first thing is to modify how you're thinking about working with clients. Approach it with a servant's heart. The idea is "how can I help you?", "how can I be of service to you?"
Remember, we aren't selling hypnosis - we're offering better sleep, more energy, happiness, relief from their habits, stress, and pain. We're offering them an upgraded version of themselves. The best investment anyone can ever make is in themselves. This is what we offer.

The most important thing to keep in mind is to LOVE your clients and potential clients. They are suffering and struggling. They'll call crying, and upset. They'll be short and scattered. We can help them. If it were a good friend with the same issue - what would you say to them? Treat them the same way - as if you've known and loved them all your life. Be patient and courteous.
☆When the phone rings, be grateful that someone is reaching out to you asking for help. Take in a deep breath - do them together. Deep breath when phone rings, and gratitude. This is all in service to my clients' greater good. This can take just 2 seconds before you answer the phone with a servant's heart mindset. This is the most important step.☆
On the other end of that phone line is an opportunity to change not only one life, but the lives of many that are connected with that person.
Step 0: GRATITUDE this is the most important step. It sets the stage for everything else to follow. You are modeling the behavior you want to see in your clients. Pause, and take in a deep breath before answering.
Step 1: Greet with love "Hello and welcome to Cascade Hypnosis Center, how can I help you today?"
Step 2: Listen to your potential client. 100% active listening and focus. The person on the other end of that phone is the most important person in the world at this moment.
Step 3: (ONLY IF YOU CAN HELP) "I'm sorry this is happening, and I know exactly what to do. Hypnosis is specifically designed to help with this type of issue and I've helped many clients with the same thing (note: if it's true and you have). The next step is to schedule a 30 minute complimentary consultation where you can share what's going on with you and I can tell you how the hypnosis and process works and answer all your questions, including the fees and how many sessions. Then we'll determine if hypnosis is the right step for you. I have tomorrow at 1:15 or Thursday at 7:30 am, will either of those work for you?"
Step 4: Love your client every step of the way.
We can't give our clients fees or estimates without knowing details about their issue. Giving them estimates ahead of time isn't fair to our clients as it would very likely be incorrect without knowing more about them, and we don't even know if we can help them.
I hope you enjoy this quick overview of how to talk to potential clients about hypnosis.
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