Hypnosis Training Video #507: Revealed – Hypnotic Words That Get Results!

Erika Flint, BA, BCH, A+CPHI

Cal Banyan, MA, BCH, CI, DNGH, OB, MCPHI
Hypnosis Training Video #507: Revealed – Hypnotic Words That Get Results!
What are the best hypnotic words to use in session? Some are more powerful than others and once you learn the most effective words, it's easy to incorporate them into your sessions with clients effortlessly.
I wonder how much these words will positively impact your sessions?
Imagine it now - you know exactly what to say, to your clients at exactly the right time. Imagine the smile, and relief on your clients face as these words easily sink into the deepest levels of consciousness. It's all there - easy for you to have unlimited access to helping your clients more than ever before.
These are the skills and tools of experts, and I'm sure you already noticed that some of the powerful hypnotic words that get results are embedded in this post, didn't you? Of course you did.
Watch the episode below for all the insider tips and tricks on the best hypnotic words that get results!
Meta Message of this Episode
The underlying message of this episode is that language is very powerful and easy to master. You don't need to know everything, a basic understanding of the most hypnotic words will amplify your session success significantly.
I hope to see you in the classroom soon - the world needs more great hypnotists!
With love,
Did you know we do hypnosis with heart at Cascade Hypnosis Center for Training & Services? It's not easy to help people with some of life's biggest issues, but if your heart is in the right place, then the training can help you to help people with really deep and hurtful things they're suffering from.