Hypnosis Training Video #507: Revealed – Hypnotic Words That Get Results!

Erika Flint, BA, BCH, A+CPHI, OB

Cal Banyan, MA, BCH, CI, DNGH, OB, MCPHI
Use These Hypnotic Words and Start Getting Results
What are the best hypnotic words to use in session? Some are more powerful than others, and once you learn the most effective words, it's easy to incorporate them into your sessions with clients effortlessly.
In this video, Cal and I reveal the most attention-getting words in our profession. We discuss the word that instantly connects you to your clients’ subconscious mind, and we share the secret words that causes your client to stop focusing on the problem and start focusing on the solution!

I wonder how much these words will positively impact your sessions?
Just imagine it now… You know exactly what to say to your clients at exactly the right time. Imagine the smile and relief on your clients face as these words easily sink into the deepest levels of consciousness. It's all there, easy for you to have unlimited access to helping your clients more than ever before.
These hypnotic words are the skills and tools of experts. I'm sure you have already noticed that some of the powerful hypnotic words that get results are embedded in this post, didn't you? Of course you did!
Watch The Video Below To Learn About “Hypnotic Words That Get Results!”
Transcription of Hypnosis Training Video #507
Erika Flint: Alright. So today's topic I think is really important because what caught my attention here was an article that I had seen which had analyzed the top words used in Google Ad Words for the top ads. So what are the most common words that are used in the top ads? Now when I was reviewing this article, because we'll talk about that, I noticed that a lot of these words are the same words that are very hypnotic words. So I wanted to share with everybody what are the most hypnotic words that we can use with clients, just so that you can keep that in mind when you're working with clients. So the first one is, and this is the number one word according to Google Ad Words is the word you. So it's very personal, right Cal?
Cal Banyan: I've done different courses on copywriting and stuff, and when you want to connect with someone, you don't want to say him or her, and all that stuff. You go: "You want to become a hypnotist?" or something like that, right?
Erika Flint: Yeah, "Do you want to become a hypnotist?" Exactly. So that is the number one word, the most hypnotic word. Now, this second is kind of a tangent there, kind of adjacent, let's just say. When you're working with clients, of course, you can use their actual name, right? And you wouldn't probably do that in advertising, right? That doesn't make any sense. But when you're working with clients you use their name. I think there's a phrase that says the sweetest sound is the sound of someone who loves you saying your name. Have you heard that before, Cal?
Cal Banyan: Yes. And as you're talking about that, I just talked about this in class, and the name is very powerful so when I am doing sessions and I have my client in hypnosis, I never used their name except when I want to verbally boldface underline something. So I'm going "you this" and "you that" and when I want something to stick out, I go, "Mary, you will always do this" or "John, now you know this" and then bam, that's like those words jump off the page. How's that sound
Erika Flint: That's a great idea because then like you said, you're really highlighting and emphasizing that. So don't overuse their name, you primarily use "you". And then when you really want to emphasize something, you can use their name.
Cal Banyan: Right. Otherwise, you would be like "Johnny this... Johnny that... Johnny this..." and it just kind of waters out the effectiveness. That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it!
Erika Flint: Well, I agree with you because if you are saying the name too much you'll get diluted, you know? It'll get diluted down and will not be as effective. Alright, so the next word, and these aren't necessarily in order I can tell you from that report that "you" was the number one, but the others were kind of kind of this kind of the same, so the next word is "now". The word now. You feel more peaceful now, right, Cal?
Cal Banyan: Yeah, it seems like hypnotically, right? What happens when you hear the now it focus your attention on the now. When our attention is spread out all over the place, that's less trance-inducing. Then we say now and that's like, that's like the needle in a record, in the groove playing that note of music, you know? It's just like bam! That makes a lot of sense to me from just hypnosis theory.
Erika Flint: Right. So now you're able to do this, now you're able to sleep more easily, now you're able to write all of these things. And just now this is a very present moment in time like you said.
Cal Banyan: The other thing that is good about that word "hypnotically" is that it is in present-tense. You're not saying you will because you could always be in the state of going to do something without ever accomplishing anything. Right?
Erika Flint: Right. Back to that would be what we call future tense, right? It's just like, it's never gonna happen. You will, you know, clean your bedroom... someday.
Cal Banyan: So now you clean your bedroom every Wednesday night or whatever!
Erika Flint: All right. As far as something online, "now" really is a very popular word. You would use it in the sense of "call now" and "schedule your free consult now". That type of a thing. So it's also very much used in online advertising and print advertising as well.
Cal Banyan: Well, you know, when you do advertising, you're paying money so you need to have that call to action, right?
Erika Flint: Absolutely.
Cal Banyan: And if they don't do it now, they're probably never going to do it.
Erika Flint: Right. And sometimes people just need that little bit of a shove, like please tell me what to do. Like "Okay, call me now" to "Alright. I'll call you."
Cal Banyan: You know it's funny because people don't like to be told what to, but on the other hand... somebody please just tell me what to do here.
Erika Flint: Yeah. A lot of our clients are looking for that. They're feeling hopeless or desperate and they just really want someone to take their hand and help them get to that next place where they're feeling good enough to start making the changes they want to make in their life.
Erika Flint: Alright, free. Free is the next word. So "Free consultation now." "Set yourself free." "Now you're free from the painful experiences of the past." Free. What do you think about that one?
Cal Banyan: I like "Now you are free".
Erika Flint: And isn't that what everybody wants anyway? Right. Freedom. Freedom from everything, really.
Cal Banyan: How are people finding services now? They're at work, and they've got this thing that's nagging at him and so what do they do? You know, so they're on their break (or maybe not on their break), and they go over to Google and they started doing some problem solving, solutions to this and that. And so what's really cool about wording things that way is they're in the solution finding mode. And so, you know what, that's when they have the mindset to take action, right?
Erika Flint: Yep. They're looking for a solution. That's what Google will tell you too. Client's come online asking a question and the best advertisers answered that question. So as an advertiser you're trying to anticipate the question with an appropriate answer.
Cal Banyan: What's the big fear? I mean, the fear is risk, right? And when we say "free" then we're giving them something to try out. And so there's risk aversion. It's a way for them to get to know you a little bit, like these podcasts, right? I mean, these are free and it's a chance for people to get to know me, get to know my cohosts and so then when they are ready to pull the trigger on some training, hopefully I am putting out the fun, informative information that they want and then why would they go to someone that never heard of when they could go to someone that we've already built a rapport with?
Erika Flint: Right, and people want to feel that connection with you, and feel like they can relate to what's happening, and they'll feel inspired in certain aspects and can kind of see that light up ahead of them and want to go there.
Erika Flint: So this word is more of a hypnosis word. It's not necessarily used as much in online advertising, but the word is "imagine". If you say "Imagine yourself as a non-smoker" and then you're going to help them paint a picture. And so that's very hypnotic work.
Cal Banyan: I like to use the word "imagine" because imagine is inductive in hypnosis. Why do we put people in hypnosis? We put them in hypnosis so that we can start having an effect on the subconscious mind, right? In the classroom when I teach the vertical model of the mind, which is where we kind of start off with in class, I tell everybody, "Let's do a little experiment here. Just close your eyes. I'd like you to think about or imagine a perfectly formed leaf from a tree, green like springtime with a single drop of moisture upon it... And once you've done that open your eyes." So now when, when everyone opens her eyes and says, "Where did that come from?" We talk about the leaves that people saw. It comes from the subconscious mind. So as soon as we have people imagining, we get in contact with the subconscious mind, because you have this database of information that is part of the subconscious mind and you cannot imagine anything without accessing that longterm memory. So as soon as we have people starting to imagine or think about things, putting things together, either touch, taste, sight, smell, hearing, anything from a creative act, they must access the subconscious mind. And so to me, the word imagine is hypnotically inductive. What do you think of that?
Erika Flint: Absolutely. And you know, I had an interesting interaction the other day that I want to share because I think it's really valuable. It's kind of more of an advanced technique or insider tip, but of course, we love sharing those. Right? So I had a client who said to me, "Erika, I can't imagine. I'm not seeing it."So when I said "imagine," they thought in their head that I was asking them to picture something in their mind. Okay? And so what I did was I shared with them, "Oh, I'm not asking you to picture something in your mind. Let me ask you a question. I want you to think about a bicycle. And then nod your head when you've got the bicycle. Okay?" They've got a bicycle. "Now, how are you experiencing that bicycle?" And so they share with me what their experience of the bicycle was, and that they could know what the bicycle was without necessarily picturing it. I said, "That's what I mean when I use the word imagine." And that was able to help them understand and continue with the hypnosis session without any issue at all because some people will really just automatically think certain things when we use words, right?
Cal Banyan: Yes. Sometimes that can be a blockage. In the example I just gave, I said "think about or imagine" and if they're a person that thinks that they have to image something when you say imagine, that's like the root of the word, right? Other people can think about it. Here's a little tip. If you've got someone that has trouble visualizing things, say "think about or imagine" and then say "describe it to me". So with the bicycle, you'd say "Okay, I'd like you to think about a bicycle that you've had. Have you ever had a bicycle?" "Yes." "What was your first one?" "It was huffy." "Oh, really? Describe it to me, tell me about it." And as they start describing it, it starts to build a picture in their mind, right? We do this with age regression all the time, isn't that right? We start to describe where you're at and we don't say, "what do you see?" because they may not be seeing yet. But if we have them start to describe and they're in somnambulism, then they will hallucinate. But you know, if you're not in somnambulism, if the act of describing it, for example, I'd say, "Hey, tell me about your kitchen. What kind of cabinets do you have? What kind of wood are they?" And as they start, as they start describing it, the picture starts developing in their mind.
Erika Flint: Yeah, I think that's great, Cal. And one thing that I, that I want to point out there too, is that as hypnotists, we don't get freaked out or worried when a client says, "Oh, I can't see that in my mind." We know exactly what to do, right? So this tip that you just shared is really valuable. You just have them describe it. So thank you for sharing that. I think it's going to be really nice for people.
Erika Flint: Alright, so the next words are "I wonder" or "I'm curious". I think this is a really powerful combination of words where you as the hypnotist are really curious about something that's going on in your client's life or in the session. This is going to be done before the hypnosis session in the pre-hypnosis interview when you are sharing with them... "I wonder what it would be like for you if you came home from work and immediately went on a walk and felt great." you know? You're getting your client to kind of think more expansively. So what do you think about that word, Cal?
Cal Banyan: Well, I think that what's really cool about that is that that triggers them to think about it and maybe to imagine themselves, right?
Erika Flint: A lot of our clients come to us focusing on the problems, like "I feel so stressed" and "I can't sleep very well", all of those things. And they're never thinking about the solution side of it... "I wonder what your life would be like if you slept well every single time."
Cal Banyan: And that kind of stuff is so important when we start doing the suggestion work, right? Because we do insight work, then we segue to direct suggestion and that's the reward aspect of it. "Now you're going to sleep well every night." and as a result you wake up refreshed, you concentrate better, whatever it is, right?"
Erika Flint: A lot of times clients are coming to us feeling hopeless and depressed. They've forgotten about the solution, how it might feel on the other side. I think that's a common feeling of a lot of clients. At the end of even the first session they'll say, "I forgot that I could feel that good. I forgot what peace felt like. I forgot what joy felt like."
Cal Banyan: Wow, that's really nice. The thing that I think about as you're saying that is that one of the big things we're trying to do is to take people from that hopelessness to hopefulness and that's really a big part of phase one of 5-Path, right?
Erika Flint: Yeah, absolutely. So we're giving them that hope there. Reminding themselves that they can feel good and that they didn't think about that thing that's been driving him crazy for the last couple of years. They give their brain a moment of respite and now they're hopeful. I wonder what else could happen if they could do that in a matter of 30 minutes, right?
Cal Banyan: Well, exactly. When you make that transition from this hopelessness to hopefulness and discovering and remembering this feeling of being free from all that stuff, even if it's just nudged forward, then what happens is they come back and, and that's important. You need them to come back so you can finish the work, but very few hypnotists out there still doing the old "one-session-wonder" stuff. We realize that it's going to take more than just one session to undo a lifelong problem, right?
Erika Flint: All right, very good. Well, those are all of the top hypnotic words. Just to recap they are 1) you 2) their name 3) now 4) free 5) imagine (or, think about, we added that) and 6) I wonder or I'm curious.
Erika Flint: So I'm Erika Flint. You can find me at cascadehypnosistraining.com, and I look forward to seeing you at the NGH convention. If you're there, come say hi to me! And thanks for joining everyone.
The Meta-Message Of This Episode: Language is Power!
The underlying message of this episode is that language is very powerful and easy to master. You don't need to know everything, a basic understanding of the most hypnotic words will amplify your session success significantly.
I look forward to seeing you in class! Let's help people lead better lives with hypnosis.
From my heart to yours,