Congrats To Our Grads for Becoming NGH Board Certified Hypnotists!
Erika Flint with grads at the NGH convention: Paulette Deckers, Dillion Sims, and Lawrence...
Erika Flint with grads at the NGH convention: Paulette Deckers, Dillion Sims, and Lawrence...
Content from “Can You Be A Hypnotist?” by Erika Flint An exceptional hypnotist is a true believer...
It’s more important then ever to make time for self-care when times are tough. Not just during...
Hypnosis Training Video #576: “Absolute Courage, Confidence and Competence as A Hypnosis...
The NGH Convention is HERE! The fun all starts on Friday, and I’m so excited to speak and see some...
Natalie Viglione, of the Disrupt Now Podcast, has Erika Flint on to discuss how she sees the mind...
As a hypnotherapist, I watch for any signs of negative self talk with every client, regardless of...
Erika Flint, BA, BCH, A+CPHI Erika Flint on Book Journeys Radio Episode 159 Erika Flint of Cascade...
Erika Flint, BA, BCH, A+CPHI, OB Cal Banyan, MA, BCH, CI, DNGH, OB, MCPHI Techniques to Reach...
Your brain doesn't want that food - it just wants to feel better. Learn how to lose weight with...