Gratitude’s Often Overlooked Benefit in the Hypnosis Office
Originally published in the Journal of Hypnotism By Erika Flint, BCH, OB
Originally published in the Journal of Hypnotism By Erika Flint, BCH, OB
Your most important hypnosis client is yourself! Hypnotists are of the highest service by being...
Reprogram Your Weight has been gaining popularity for being a program that generates realistic and...
By Erika Flint, MA+CPHI Originally published in the 5-PATH® Journal of Hypnotism
@djdancinghypnotist The Broocoli Test - use this as a binary indicator to tell you whether you are...
Choosing the right training program can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to embarking...
How did you go from being a nurse to being a hypnotist? Tracy spent many years working with...
Utilizing a Success Board in your hypnosis practice is one of the best resources you can have. It...